Page 290 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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274    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

                                                             chlorhexidine surgical scrub with index finger and
                                                             thumb. Bring the other three corners up to the fingers
                                                             until you have all four between index finger and thumb
                                                             (Figure 14.40). This will keep your fingers from contact-
                                                             ing the patient’s skin as you scrub.
                                                               Start the scrub over the incision site, scrubbing the
                                                             gauze over the area in a back and forth pattern for a total
                                                             of 7–10 times. Then work out overlapping the area
                                                             scrubbed by a 25–75% ratio: 25% previously scrubbed
                                                             area with a 75% covering new areas. Most patterns end
                                                             up being in a rectangle shape especially on the abdomen
                                                             but not always. Continue to scrub the entire shaved area.
                                                             This is creating a sterile field and we now have to be care-
                                                             ful not to reach across this area or to touch it with
                                                             anything that is not sterile. Rinse the scrubbed area with
                                                             either a spray hose set on gentle or with sterile water‐
                                                             soaked gauze sponges working from the incision site out-
                                                             ward. Use more than one gauze sponge if you need to in
                                                             order to remove the surgical scrub from the skin. Repeat
                                                             this scrub two more times. Then either spray or wipe the
                                                             surgical area with alcohol.

                                                             Peri‐Surgical Phase

                                                             At this point the patient is moved to the surgery room.
                                                             Extreme care is taken; to not contaminate the scrubbed
                                                             surgical site, to keep the patient as level as possible,
          FIGURE 14.38  Blood pressure cuffs.                and not to lose the endotracheal tube! This usually
                                                             requires two people and if the patient is large the use
                                                             of a gurney is recommended. The patient is transferred
               TABLE 14.2                                    to the surgical table and secured to it with ropes. The
            Frequent Surgical Procedures and Body            ropes are placed upon the limbs using the loop formed
            Position Required for the Procedure              by the rope and then a half hitch further down on the
                                                             leg (see Figure 9.35). The rope is then brought either
            Surgery – with definition     Body position
                                                             over the edge or over the end of the table and secured
            Ovariohysterectomy – removal of the   Ventral – dorsal  to a cleat (see Figure 9.36) or if there are pinch levers
            entire reproductive tract                        the rope is brought between the rubber stoppers
            Common name – spay
                                                             (Figure  14.1d). Once the patient is secured to the
            Orchidectomy – removal of testicles  Ventral – dorsal  table, the surgical site is either sprayed with povidone
            Common name – neuter or castration
                                                             iodine solution or it is swabbed on with sterile gauze
            Pyometra – infection of the uterus  Ventral – dorsal  sponges held by a sponge holder.
            Common name – pyo
                                                               The surgical lights are turned on and adjusted to
            Caesarean section – removal of   Ventral – dorsal  shine on the surgical site. The surgical table can be
            fetuses because of dystocia issues               raised or lowered by turning the handle on the base and
            Common name – C‐section
                                                             stepping on the foot pedal (Figure  14.1b). Step and
            Tail docking – dewclaw removal  Held however it   press down to lower, and pump the step to raise the
                                          works for surgeon
                                                             table. Extreme care must be taken not to touch or reach
            Onychectomy – removal of distal   Lateral        over the surgical site because this is our first sterile field.
            phalanges                     recumbency         In the surgical environment, sterile objects must remain
            Common name – declaw
                                                             sterile and surgical sites and personnel must remain
                                                             “clean” whereas objects that are no longer or never have
          patient is scrubbed for surgery and before the surgical   been  sterile  are considered  contaminated  or  “dirty.”
          personnel scrubs for surgery.                      These two things must not connect in any way. In order
            To scrub the patient, start by grasping a corner of the   to keep track of what is sterile and what is clean, sterile
          gauze sponge soaked in either povidone iodine or in   fields and zones are established.
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