Page 289 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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Chapter 14 Surgical Room Skills 273
preparation of the surgical site and the surgery. If you To reduce the chance of contaminating a surgical
are asked to shave the hair from the surgical area, find field or zone, proper dress in the surgical suite includes
out where the incision will be. Shave out an area of 6-8 clean scrubs free of loose hair. Three‐quarter to short
inches around the incision. If the patient has a limb frac- sleeves to reduce the chance of dragging them across a
ture, the entire leg is shaved. Vacuum as you go or throw sterile field. Caps are worn over the hair with long hair
the big clumps of hair into the garbage so as not to plug tied back or pinned up to avoid it falling out of the cap
the vacuum. Once the hair is shaved, vacuum all over and into a sterile field (Figure 14.39). Additional PPE
again, paying attention to the hair that may have gotten include a mask to capture saliva and potential sneezes or
caught under the animal and the hair that is on your lab coughs, booties worn over the shoes so that hair, dirt,
coat or scrub top. You may have to use a roller tape wand and debris are not dragged into the super clean surgery
to get it all off or you may need to change scrub tops. It room. Men with beards will need a beard mask to cover
is imperative that hair not fall into the scrubbed area on the facial hair. These need to be in place before the
the patient while scrubbing or while moving the patient
to the surgery room.
FIGURE 14.35 Insertion of the endotracheal tube. FIGURE 14.37 Multifunctional monitor.
FIGURE 14.36 Secured endotracheal tube and cuff inflation.