Page 284 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 284
268 Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant
(a) (c)
FIGURE 14.28 Wrapping a drape pack.
(a) (b)
FIGURE 14.29 Ancillary instrument packaging.
the end over and apply a piece of autoclave tape along how long it will take a pack to be sterilized. Consult with
the entire end. Figure 14.29b shows a small pack of instru- an experienced team member for amounts the autoclave
ments used to neuter cats. Note the autoclave indicator will hold and the time requirements. If a new autoclave
inside the pack; this just as important to include as it is for is purchased, read through the owner’s manual for sug-
the cloth wrapped packs. Also note on the left end of gested times. Check the times by placing the standardly
Figure 14.29b the tabs located on that end are used to wrapped packs and running a cycle. Then open the
open the pack easily. To open without tearing it randomly packs and look at the autoclave indicator (Figure 14.30).
first open the two corners a bit. Then, placing both The indicator at the bottom of Figure 14.30 has been
thumbs on each of the tabs, roll your wrists so the paper exposed the right amount of time, pressure, and temper-
opens and covers the wrists at the same time. Hold the ature in order for the K and strip to be turned a solid
package steady as the surgeon retrieves the contents. black. The indicator at the top of Figure 14.30 has not
Once all of the packs are repacked, they need to be been put into the autoclave. Note how dark the O is on
run through the autoclave for sterilization. Each auto- this indicator; this is your control. The exposed K and
clave differs in the amount it will hold at a time and the strip should be a solid black like the O after being sent