Page 280 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 280

264    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

           (a)                                (b)                         (c)

          FIGURE 14.18  Step 9 of putting an instrument pack together: (a,b) repeat steps 5–7 to fold the second or bottom wrap; (c) create a tab with the
          last fold.

                                                             FIGURE 14.20  Autoclaved package showing the autoclave tape turned
          FIGURE 14.19  Autoclave tape. Inset: exposed to autoclave and not   black.
          exposed to autoclave.

          Step 9 Repeat Steps 5–7 with the second wrap, positioning   location, note that it has been exposed to the autoclave as
            all of the points so they are pointing to the outside   the tape has black streaks. It is tempting to use a long piece
            edge (Figure 14.18a,b). This will be important when   of tape to make sure the pack stays secure, but if folded as
            we open the pack which will be covered later in this   instructed this is unnecessary and wasteful.
            chapter. To finish the last point bring it across the
            entire wrapped package only instead of folding it like   Folding a Grown and Wrapping it
            in Step 8 the excess material is neatly tucked into folds   for Autoclaving
            of this wrap (Figure  14.18c). This holds the pack
            secure and leaves a tag sticking out which is grasped to   Just like with the instruments, every clinic differs in how
            start the opening process.                       they fold their cloth gowns. The following is one way to
                                                             accomplish this task. To start to fold a gown put it on,
            Autoclave tape (Figure  14.19) is then applied to the   making sure you have the right side out. Bring your
          outer wrap. Autoclave tape is designed to develop black   hands out of the sleeves about 8 inches from the arm pit
          streaks to indicate if a pack has been through the autoclave   seam, grasp part of the sleeve, and pull the sleeves inside
          (Figure 14.19 inset). It is not an indication of sterility. The   out (Figure 14.21a). Bring the sleeves together, straighten
          stripes on the tape turn black when exposed to heat. Tear   the arms so they form a circle and straighten the length
          off 2, 4–5” pieces of tape and bend one end over making a   of the gown, so it is folded in half lengthwise. Make sure
          small tab. Then using an ink pen write the date and your   the material is smoothed and wrinkle free as going
          initials on one piece and the contents of the pack on the   through  the autoclave process  will make the wrinkles
          second piece. Apply the tape so the tabs are on top of the   stiff thus making the gown hard to put on.
          last fold. This keeps the fold in place when you are tearing   Step B is folding the gown in half lengthwise one
          the tape off during the opening process. Figure  14.20   more time (Figure 14.21b). Step C is making the sleeve
          shows an autoclaved pack with the tape in the appropriate   openings obvious on top of the gown (Figure 14.21c).
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