Page 275 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 275

Chapter 14  Surgical Room Skills  259

                  TABLE 14.1
               Surgical Instrument Names and Uses
                                                                  A. Allis tissue forceps  Atraumatic tissue holder
                                                                  B. Sponge holding   Grasp inanimate objects like
                                                                  forceps            sponges and dead tissue

                                                                  A. Small Backhaus towel  These are both used to keep
                                                                  clamp              drapes and towels in place on the
                                                                                     patient. The sharp points pierce
                                                                                     the material and skin leaving very
                                                                  B. Large Backhaus towel  small holes

                                                                  A. Hartman mosquito   All of these forceps are used to
                                                                  forceps            clamp off vessels or tissues that
                                                                                     will be removed. They crush
                                                                                     tissue which cuts off blood supply.
                                                                  B. Halstad mosquito   The serrations on the jaws are
                                                                  forceps            horizontal along the entire length
                                                                  C. Crile forceps

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