Page 282 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 282

266    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

                           (a)                                   (c)

                           (b)                                   (d)

          FIGURE 14.23  Folding a surgical towel: (a) Step 1, lay a surgical towel flat; (b) Step 2, fold length‐wise; (c,d) Steps 3 and 4, fold in half width‐wise.

                     Step 1                              Step 2                               Step 3

                    Step 4                           Step 5                               Step 6
          FIGURE 14.24  Steps 1–6 of wrapping a surgical gown.

          depending on the size of the cloth drape and the patient   and then the length until you get an approximate 4 × 4
          (Figure 14.27). Paper drape material usually comes on a   inch square. Set that one aside and fold the other three
          large roll so you can match the size of the four paper   the same way. To make a drape pack, set the cloth drape
          drapes to the size of the cloth drapes which come in dif-  in the middle of a wrap, place a sterilization indicator
          ferent sizes to accommodate various sized animals. You   (Figure 14.28) on top of the cloth drape, and then set
          start by accordion folding the width of the paper drape   the four paper drapes on top. Wrap as demonstrated for
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