Page 295 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 295

Chapter 14  Surgical Room Skills  279

               Reflection                                          Learning Exercise

               The surgical procedure is often thought of as       Have a discussion with the veterinarian and
                 routine. A person gets used to the many steps and     technician about surgical emergencies. What
               actions required to help with a successful surgery.   have they seen, what did they do, how would they
               How will you keep sharp when assisting with these   like you to assist if one should happen?
               many steps and not get lackadaisical about a
               “routine” surgery?
                                                                Client Communication

                                                                Review postoperative patient care with clients. Home care
             Post‐Surgical Emergencies                          will often determine how well the animal heals. Owners
                                                                will need complete and understandable instructions in
                                                                order to help their pet’s recovery. Go over the discharge
             Good communication with all the team members is    instructions as per the protocols established at your prac-
             essential as you move through the steps it takes to pre-  tice. This should be done in a manner that is friendly so as
             pare for a surgery.                                to invite questions and knowledgeably to garner
               Anesthetic complications can occur in the recovery   confidence. The highlights of most surgical   discharge
             phase just as quickly as during the other phases of sur-  instructions are pain medications, incision care, exercise
             gery. Patients can become unable to oxygenate and   restrictions, and when to call the clinic if trouble should
             develop hypoxemia when the oxygen is discontinued,   arise. A follow‐up call the day after discharge will help the
             or the endotracheal tube is removed, and the airway   patient by catching anything that may be amiss early.
             isn’t patent. The mucous membrane color will darken
             and eventually turn blue if the patient isn’t re‐intu-
             bated and oxygen supplied. Oxygen can come from an  Removing Sutures
             ambu bag (see Figure 4.17, upper right corner) or
             from an oxygen tank. Yell for help as full CPR may be   The usual incision closure is a buried suture technique
             required.                                          using absorbable suture material that does not require
               Hypotension is often brought on by a loss of blood   removal as the body will absorb it. On occasion, external
             causing a drop in blood pressure. This is usually caught   sutures are placed and the suture material is non‐absorb-
             while the patient is still in surgery and treated by   able and must be removed 7–10 days after the surgery.
             increasing the volume of IV fluids or administration of   There are two types of suture material used in veterinary
             blood  products.  The  treatment  usually  extends  into   medicine: synthetic or natural fibers much like thread or
             the post‐surgical recovery period. Blood pressure cuffs   stainless‐steel staples. Staples are removed using a special
             and  perfusion  parameters  like  mucous  membrane   type of removal clip that is slid under the center of the
             color and capillary refill times are used to monitor the   staple and squeezed (Table 14.3). This flares or springs
             patient.                                           the staples out so they can be “unhooked” from the skin.
               Cardiac arrhythmia or cardiac arrest can occur and go   The “thread‐like” suture material can be removed with a
             unnoticed during the recovery period if the heart isn’t   small scissors or a specially designed suture removal
             auscultated regularly. Abnormal heart sounds, arrhyth-  scissors. One of the scissor blades has a hook that can be
             mias, irregular pulse, loss of pulse, and very slow or very   slipped under one side of the knot and then closed to
             fast heart rates must be reported immediately as these   cut the suture. Pull on the knot to remove the suture
             can indicate heart failure.                        completely. Never cut both sides of the knot as it will
               Incision site dehiscence is when the sutures have let   leave a half‐moon piece of suture inside the patient.
             go either in the muscle layer or skin layer. This is an   Suture removal appointments are made the day the
             extreme emergency and the veterinarian needs to be   patient is discharged. The veterinary will evaluate the patient
             alerted immediately. Internal bleeding can also occur if   upon arrival and either take the sutures out himself/herself
             a sutured blood vessel leaks. Pale mucous membranes   or ask the veterinary technician to do so. The assistant’s job
             and slow capillary refill are signs of bleeding. Sometimes   at this point is to restrain and distract the patient for the
             a large bruise will show around the incision site. Again,   procedure. This is usually painless although some animal
             alerting the veterinarian if these signs are noted is   may still be a bit sore and it can aggravate the area. Be pre-
             important.                                         pared to keep the patient from biting or scratching.
               Once all the surgeries are completed for the day it is   Some clinics may have these pieces of equipment and
             time to put the surgery suite in order once more!  other may not. The explanation is included in Table 14.3.
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