Page 50 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 50
34 Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant
Front Office Skills TIP BOX 3.1
Always have a functional pen, notepad, and computer
In Chapter 1 we discussed the role each staff member has open to the appointment screen or the appointment book
in the veterinary practice. We said that the receptionist is available when answering the phone.
the person that handles the front desk and is the front
line of customer service. A good receptionist is caring,
able to multi‐task, remains calm, helpful, and is always After the greeting always wait for a reply to your
extremely friendly. A veterinary assistant may be asked to question. It is very off‐putting when the phone is
fill in for an absent or overwhelmed receptionist and so answered and the question is “Can I put you on hold?”
this section provides information on what duties are with an immediate click of the hold button! What if the
required to run an efficient and welcoming front desk. call is an emergency?! The few seconds it takes to listen
If asked to cover the front desk, make sure your is well worth the time as it shows that you care about
appearance is professional. Clean scrubs, change if them and are happy they called.
necessary, hair combed, name tag in place, and a smile Once you hear what the client needs, if you have the
planted on your face is a must before stepping foot time to take care of them do so. If you have to redirect
behind the front desk. This is important because first their call or put them on hold because you are in the
impressions must be great! The client is often anxious, middle of helping someone ask them if it is alright to put
especially if a new client, when visiting the clinic. Your them on hold and again wait for an answer. Redirecting
professionalism will help them relax and build their means the call is for someone in the practice. You will
confidence and trust in the staff. Although being need to see if that person is available or you will need to
professional is important all the time, it is especially take a message.
important when acting as a receptionist. Most people will accept being placed on hold, but not
for very long! It is recommended that you get back to
them within a minute, even if it is to ask to them to hold
Reflection for a bit longer. The endless hold is very frustrating and
often anger provoking. At this point you have two
Why is appearance so important not only when options: (i) ask someone else to pick up the call and take
working as the receptionist, but also when care of the customer; or (ii) ask the caller if it would be
working in all aspects of the job? OK to call them back as soon as you are able. Some
clinics have this as a phone service. The call rings in and
after several rings it goes to voicemail that offers several
options. The client can hang on and wait until someone
Telephone Skills is available, leave a call back number and the reason for
their call, or press a number to indicate this is an
The telephone is the main means of communicating emergency and immediate assistance is required. The
with clients. It should be answered within three rings phone will make a tone to indicate there is someone
with a smile on your face and in your voice. The greeting waiting and another tone to indicate an emergency. If
must contain the name of the hospital, your name, and a the client opts for a call back do so as soon as possible.
question. For example, “Valley Veterinary Hospital, this is
Teresa, how many I help you?” This should be done in a
moderate tone and pace. A hurried or gruff greeting Reflection
implies that you are bothered by their call. This can
amplify or induce anxiety in the client and isn’t a very Talk about how you like being put on hold, espe-
good first impression for new clients. No matter what is cially if you are anxious or upset. Now translate
going on in the reception area, the phone must be that into a client that has a very sick pet. How will
answered as if you were waiting for their call and the they feel if placed on hold without a chance to
caller is your best friend. say a word?
Discovery Exercise
Now let’s turn our attention toward the reason for the
Practice answering the phone with a smile in your client’s call. It could be almost anything and you should
voice and on your face. Then try it with a frown. be ready for every kind of request! Let us start with the
Can you hear the difference? most common reason and that is a request for an