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36    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

             option. A third option is to let the client come in   Some clients will ask to see a specific doctor and will
             and wait to be worked in, but they must understand   wait to see her/him. If it is a routine or non‐life‐threat­
             that it could be a substantial wait because clients   ening visit it is fine to accommodate them and schedule
             with appointments will be seen first.           for that doctor. However, if it is something that shouldn’t
          6.  Emergencies trump all other appointments. Life‐  wait try to convince them to have whomever is available
             threatening injuries or sudden onset diseases or   to examine their animal.
             conditions must be seen right away. It is to be hoped   Walk‐in clients are those that bring their pets in
             that the client has time to call ahead to alert you   without an appointment. This was more of an issue in
             that they are coming and inform you of the con­  the past, but it still happens on occasion. Again, treating
             cern. Ask them an estimated time of arrival so that   these clients well is important but so are your clients that
             you can alert staff to the impending emergency and   made appointments! If it is a non‐life‐threatening con­
             approximate time of arrival. Then if there are   cern, you can offer them three choices:
             clients in the reception area let them know what has   1.  They can wait and be worked in between clients,
             occurred and offer them the choice of rebooking    but clients with appointments will be seen before
             their appointment, that their appointment may be   them.
             interrupted when the emergency comes in, or they   2.  They could come back if there is an available space
             can wait to be seen after the emergency is stabilized.   later in the day.
             If this impacts the rest of the day it is best to call   3.  They can leave their pet at the hospital, again
             clients and reschedule those routine appointments   incurring a kennel fee.
             or alert them that they may have a wait and give
             them their options.                               It is to be hoped that they will be reasonable and take
                                                             one of the offered choices. Sometimes, however, people
            Table 3.1 gives you an idea of what are routine proce­
          dures, what conditions should be seen as soon as pos­  can become a bit combative and if they become angry or
                                                             abusive you may have to ask them to leave.
          sible, and what are considered emergencies.
                                                               There are of course other calls that come into the
                                                             clinic. Clients  will  call  with questions about  their  pet’s
            Reflection                                       health concerns, but almost always the pet will have to
                                                             been seen by a veterinarian because diseases and condi­
            Can you think of other reasons a client would    tions cannot be diagnosed over the phone. Plus, there
            bring their pet to the clinic? If so jot down your   would not be a veterinary–client–patient relationship
            ideas and share them with the class.             established, especially if the client hasn’t been to your
                                                             hospital before. Sometimes, if there is a relationship
                                                             established and the condition is a reoccurring one, the
                                                             veterinarian will consent to prescribe medications without
            Now that we have that information in place let’s offer   seeing the patient. This is up to the veterinarian and you
          up appointment times. Once the client indicates what they   must always ask before promising anything to the client.
          need done you will look at the appointment book and pick   Calls also come in asking about the cost of services. This
          a day or two days depending on the reason for the visit.
                                                             is an opportunity for you to show the value of coming to
                                                             your hospital. The following scenario demonstrates how.
          Scenario: Telephone
          Good morning, Valley Veterinary Hospital, this is Teresa, how   Good afternoon, Valley Veterinary Hospital, Teresa speaking, how
          may I help you? Hello Mrs. Smith! You need to get Jack in for his   may I help you? Client: I just got a new puppy and I’m calling
          vaccinations? Let me look to see what I have open. It looks like   around to see how much it will cost to get her first vaccina­
          there are openings on Tuesday or Thursday. Will either of those   tions. Congratulations! Can I have your name please? This is
          days work for you? (Or you can say, did you have a day in   Marsha Smith. I’m so glad you called us, Ms. Smith, we love
          mind for the appointment?) Once they have selected a   talking about new puppies! How old is your puppy and what is her
          day, offer them two times and wait for their response. On   name? She is 8 weeks old and her name is Lottie. Marvelous,
          Tuesday I have a 2 p.m. or a 3:15 p.m. Or you can say, do   I love the name Lottie! You are calling at the right time. She will
          you prefer morning or afternoon if that is an option. If   require a combination distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza, and
          they select morning, then offer them one or two times if   parvovirus injection now with a follow‐up booster in 2 weeks. Our
          available. Mark the appointment book or make the entry   puppy visits include a thorough physical exam by a veterinarian,
          in the scheduling screen on the computer. Confirm who   an internal/external parasite check, and nutritional information
          it is for, the time of the appointment, and a phone   by our credentialed veterinary technician. The first puppy visit is
          number where they can be reached. OK, Mrs. Smith, I   $120.00 and that includes everything I just mentioned. It will
          have you and Jack scheduled for 3:15 p.m. on Tuesday, August   take about 30 minutes as we want to be thorough and make sure
          8. Is your phone number still 555‐822‐1234?        your puppy is healthy. Do you have any questions about the visit?
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