Page 57 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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Chapter 3 Veterinary Business Protocols  41

             Paper Patient Record Assembly                      shape or form. One method is to use colored tabs to rep­
                                                                resent the letters of the alphabet. The first three letters
             It is prudent to have blank medical records prepared in   of the last name are placed on the file edge, then the
             advance of new client appointments. Even if utilizing   client’s full name is written along side the tabs
             management software you will need their information to   (Figure  3.2). The file is placed in the file cabinet in
             fill in the database. This accomplishes two things: avoid­  alphabetical order. Remember, if you have several
             ing a failure to include all pertinent information and   Smiths, Jones, or Andersons, alphabetize using the first
             making the client wait while the forms are found and put   name, and if more than one John use the middle initial.
             together  on a clipboard.  The  clipboard  is given  to all   This is often where things go wrong, and files get mis­
             new patients to fill out and return. The first form con­  filed because someone doesn’t know their alphabet!
             tains the database information already covered in the
             admitting patient section. The second page will be the
             consent  forms  which  are  discussed  after  this  section.
             Once everything is completed and returned, place the
             information into the management software program or
             if using paper records assemble the sheets into the file
               There is usually a specific order in which the clinic
             likes to have their client records organized in the file
             shell. It is a good idea for you to learn that order and if
             in doubt look at other files or ask before assembling or
             adding more sheets.                                FIGURE 3.2  Color‐coded file: alphabetical.
               The file shell is usually a manila folder which is often
             divided into sections. The top section is the client data­  A second method is to assign the client a number; this
             base form followed by a page that lists the master prob­  can be generated by the next number in line. The file
             lems, medications, immunizations, and lab or test results.   folder is marked with tabs that are a different color for
             A colored divider may used between sections to separate   each number from 0 to 9. Most systems will start with
             the consent forms from the history sheets.         100, as three tabs are easier to see a color pattern than
               For established clients, the file is pulled from the fil­  two or fewer. The client’s name is written on the tab
             ing cabinet and the database information is reviewed to   either alongside or under the numbers (Figure 3.3).
             make sure it is correct, corrections are made if necessary,
             and the reason for the visit is marked on the planning
             section. Always check to make sure there is room for this
             visit’s notes to be entered into the file. If in doubt add
             another sheet in the proper order as dictated by the clin­
             ic’s procedure.
               Once the file has been checked over, it can be placed
             in a designated area indicating that the client has arrived
             and is ready to be seen.

               Reflection                                       FIGURE 3.3  Color‐coded file: numerical.

               What possible advantage would organizing all        Both schemes make it easy to find files. If a client has
               paper records in exactly the same way give the   more  than  one  animal,  each  should  have  its  own  file
               practice?                                        folder. In this case, the name of the pet is placed behind
                                                                or under the client’s name, so you don’t have to open
                                                                every one to find the right pet.
                                                                   These color‐coding systems are touted as foolproof
             Paper Filing Systems                               for not losing a file. However, it still takes time to find
                                                                one if they are alphabetized incorrectly, especially if you
             The retrieval of paper records is a bit more involved than   are dealing with common last names like Smith, Jones,
             the computerized version. There are many filing systems   or Anderson and first names of Bob, Tom, Mary, or Beth.
             available and they all involve alphabetizing the client list   An issue with the numbering system is that clients often
             by last name, first name, and middle initial in some   do not remember their client number. This is covered by
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