Page 60 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 60

44    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

            Health certificates are utilized by federal and state   5.  Small animals – statement saying it has not bitten
          employees to prevent the spread of disease across     anyone in the last 10 days
          national and state borders. They are also used to prevent   6.  Disease status – testing to confirm status, date, and
          the spread of disease from county to county or region to   location of testing
          region at shows and exhibitions like county or state fairs.   7.  Veterinarian’s signature and date certificate was
          This is accomplished by examining, vaccinating, and   issued.
          testing animals for disease before the animal is trans­  Falsifying a health certificate is illegal and can be pun­
          ported. Veterinarians must be accredited by the USDA   ished by fines, loss of license, and/or jail time. An animal
          and the accreditation must be displayed along with the   should be evaluated for a health certificate within 10
          veterinarian’s license to practice, along with a business   days of travel.
          license. Health certificates can be obtained through the
          state’s Department of Agriculture and there are two
          types: one for companion animals and one for livestock.   Facility Logs
          Both have multiple copies; one is given to the owner, one   The veterinary practice is required to keep log books for
          is sent to the state’s Department of Agriculture and/or   surgeries,  controlled  drugs, radiographs,  laboratory
          USDA, one for the patient’s files, and one kept in the   tests, equipment maintenance, and inventory. Table 3.2
          book for reference.                                indicates what each log is and what information each
            There can be differing state or country requirements   captures. The following chapters go into more detail for
          for animal transportation. The staff can call the USDA’s   each log.
          toll‐free 24‐hour service on 800‐545‐8732 for state
          requirements.  You  can  also  find  this  information  at
, search animal
          transportation or importation guidelines.
            All certificates require:

          1.  Owner’s name, address, and phone number
          2.  Animal’s signalment including ear tags and/or    Reflection
             tattoos, and physical markings
          3.  Purchaser or consignee name, address, and phone   Discuss how the rabies certificate and the
             number – if being sold                            health certificate can help prevent the spread of
          4.  Vaccinations – name, lot or serial number, manufac­  diseases.
             turer, vaccine type, date of vaccination

               TABLE 3.2
            Facility Logs
            Log         Purpose                               Content
            Surgical log  Secondary to the patient’s file, confirms an   Owner’s and patient’s names, surgeon’s name, technician’s
                        animal’s surgery and backs up the use of   initials, type of surgery, date
                        anesthetics. Can also be used if there is a break in
                        sterility issues
            Controlled   Keeps a running total of DEA Controlled Drugs   One section per controlled drug, running total of amounts
            drug log    used for surgeries and other procedures  used per day and amounts ordered and entered upon
                                                              arrival, may also include lot numbers and expiration date
            Radiography   Secondary to the patient’s file, used to document  Owner’s and patient’s names, views taken, technician’s
            log         employee’s exposure to radiation      initials, date
            Laboratory log Secondary to the patient’s file, used to quickly   Owner’s and patient’s names, test(s) run, results, date, and
                        document tests run and results        technician’s initials
            Inventory log  Documents the entire inventory in the practice.   Quantity, item, size/container, strength/concentration,
                        Can be used to develop minimum and maximum  #/box, storage area, who it is ordered from, minimum/
                        order points                          maximum order points, cost
            Equipment   Record of maintenance done on each piece of   Type of maintenance done, who did it and when
            maintenance  equipment
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