Page 62 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 62

46    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

                                                             important that when products are used or opened, each
            Reflections                                      tablet or milliteter dispensed, every roll of tape and
                                                             syringe used is deducted from the inventory. Some
            •  Why is it important that different people are   clinics will allow staff to remove items from the inventory,
              involved in taking care of the money at the end   such as when they take a roll of tape or open a bag of
              of the day?                                    food it is marked in the inventory. Others will have you
            •  Why should one person be in charge of making   indicate this on a whiteboard or notebook and the
              sure the doors are locked and everyone has left   inventory control person takes it off the inventory. The
              the building?                                  computer will also deduct inventory as it is dispensed to
                                                             clients.  For  example,  if  the  veterinarian  prescribes  a
                                                             bottle of amoxicillin, the computer will deduct it from
                                                             inventory once the visit list is generated.
                                                               Most clinics will carry out a physical inventory once a
          Inventory Control                                  year of the “disposable” goods. This entails counting
                                                             everything that is used to treat, test, or perform proce­
          The largest non‐wage expense for a veterinary clinic is   dures upon patients. This accounting is compared with
          inventory. Inventory is everything inside a clinic that isn’t   the previous year’s and can tell the practice owner if the
          a wall! It is the goods required to medicate, run tests,   inventory control is making money, paying for itself, or
          take radiographs, perform procedures, and to feed and   losing money. You may be asked to help do inventory
          care  for  hospitalized  patients.  It  is  the  equipment   and will usually be given a form that either has the prod­
          required for procedures, like surgery tables, otoscopes,   uct list with the size, strength, number/container,
          and instruments. It is cleaning and office supplies, recep­  already marked on the page or you fill in the lines as you
          tion area furniture, chairs, desks, and computers. This is   come across the products.
          a huge outlay of money and the only way to pay for it is   Most clinics have inventory gathered into areas within
          to have clients! The reason to have inventory is to take   the facility. There may be a storage room for food, ban­
          care of patients. The more clients you have, the more   dage materials, syringes, needles, source bottles for
          inventory must be on hand and in good working      cleaners or alcohol, and so on. The medications are usu­
          condition. Inventory control is a fine balance between   ally kept in a pharmacy area, laboratory supplies in the
          having enough on hand to meet needs and having too   lab, radiography supplies in the radiography room, sur­
          much on hand that it becomes outdated before it can be   gical supplies in the surgery room, and so on. The trick
          used and the products tie up cash flow that could have   is to learn where everything is kept so that a thorough
          been invested.                                     count can be executed.
            Management software includes an inventory section.   Note how the columns in Table 3.3 include:
          This has automated the process to the point where in a
          few clicks the office manager, inventory manager, or   •  Quantity – this is the number of items on hand.
          owner can determine where the inventory is as far as   There are several ways to mark this depending on the
          amounts on premises, dollars tied up in inventory, what   item: 1 could stand for 1 bottle, 1 box, or 5 tablets, so
          items are ordered numerous times per year, month, or   always quantify the quantity. It will depend on how
          week, and what items are sitting on a shelf taking up   you mark size/container or #/box columns.
          valuable  space.  Therefore,  one  or  two  people  are   •  Item is the name of the product, some will also ask
          designated to control the inventory. Any more than that   for the manufacturer.
          and mistakes occur, cost the clinic money, or cost an   •  Strength/concentration is marked as mg/capsule or
          animal its life.                                     tablet, %, mg/mL, and so on.
            The key to having this work well is making sure all the   •  Size/container – this is gallons, quarts, mL, 500 tabs/
          products ordered are entered correctly. It is equally   bottle, g, and so on.

               TABLE 3.3
            Inventory Pages
            Quantity       Item                      Size/Container      Strength/Concentration      #/Box
            6 btls         Isopropyl alcohol         Gallon              70%                         4/box
            ½ btl          Carprofen                 250/bottle          75 mg/tablet
            2 bxs          Artificial tears ointment  25 g/tube                                      12/box
            8.5 bxs        Syringes                  3 mL slip tip                                   100/box
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