Page 61 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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Chapter 3 Veterinary Business Protocols  45

             Accounts Receivable                                Reminder cards  These are used to remind clients
                                                                that their pet’s yearly vaccinations are due. They are usu­
             Some practices will allow clients to charge for services   ally sent out a week before the due date. They can be
             rendered. This is not a common practice in small animal   paper cards that were filled out a year ago by the client as
             clinics, but it is done in large animal practices. Large   a wrap up to their visit or they can be a generated email
             animal veterinarians will fill out a charge form once the   utilizing the management software.
             visit is completed. Some will give the client a copy before
             leaving the farm, but most will utilize the management
             software to generate a bill. Once generated it can be sent   Day’s receipts  Two team members complete the tally
             via email or by post to the client for payment. The client   of the receipts and prepares the bank deposit. This
             may have the option of logging into the payment feature   increases the accuracy and honesty of the staff members.
             and paying online or they will send a check to pay their   This is often on a rotational basis, with perhaps the office
             bill. A payment entry will be made in the management   manager always being one of the members. The bank
             software that requires the amount and check number for   deposit slip is a listing of the day’s receipts that includes
             it to clear the bill.                              cash, checks, and card slip totals. The deposit slip is
                                                                dated and signed by both staff members. Everything is
                                                                placed into a bank deposit bag and either placed in a
                                                                safe or taken to the bank by the practice manager or
               Reflection                                       owner of the clinic.

               Why do you think large animal clients can pay    Follow‐up  calls  Often the technician or the veteri­
               after a bill is sent but small animal clients are   narian will call the day’s surgery patients that have been
               asked to pay before leaving the clinic.
                                                                discharged or the patients from the day before that were
                                                                sick to see how they are doing and answer any questions
                                                                the client may have. However, if they are dealing with
                                                                some emergency or difficult case you may asked to do
             Day’s End Protocols                                this. You will need to pull up the file, call the best contact
                                                                number, and simply ask how the patient is doing. If you
                                                                can answer the questions with confidence do so, if not let
             At day’s end there are several things that should be taken   the client know that the technician or the veterinarian
             care of before leaving for the night. These are tasks that   will call them back later in the evening, ask them if the
             ensure  the  following  day  runs  smoothly,  markets  the   number you used is a good number to use, mark a call
             practice, takes care of the day’s receipts and follow‐up   back slip, and make sure the appropriate staff sees it
             calls, and ensures that the facility is secured.   before you go home. Always mark the patient file with
                                                                the date, summary of the call, and your initials.
             Reminder calls  Although these can be done through­   Other tasks to complete  before leaving the  facility
             out the day when there is a “moment in time” to do so,   include:
             often there are a few that need to be finished up. Calling
             to remind clients of their upcoming appointment for the   1.  Backup the computer data – this may be an
             next day ensures that you won’t have folks forgetting and   automatic setting but checking to make sure it is
             big gaps in your schedule.                            doing it is important
                                                                2.  Close and lock all doors and windows
                                                                3.  Turn off all but the safety lights that are left on
             Sympathy cards  If there were any euthanasias during   throughout the night
             the day, a sympathy card should be generated, signed by   4.  Turn on the answering machine
             all the employees and put in the mail. This may be the   5.  Adjust the thermostat for the front part of the
             only acknowledgement of a deceased pet a client receives   building to an energy saving temperature; the
             and is greatly appreciated.                           animal wards should remain at a comfortable
             Welcome to the practice or thank for the referral   6.  Pull client records – if using paper files – for the
             cards  These cards are great little marketing tools that   next day
             show your appreciation for the client giving you their   7.  Check exam rooms, bathrooms, and reception area.
             business and for the client that referred business to the   Are they empty? Are they clean?
             clinic. Some practices will offer a little discount on a   8.  Set alarms if everyone has left the building. If not
             food item or 5% off a service as a referral thank you, it   alert the remaining staff that you are leaving and ask
             isn’t totally necessary but is a nice gesture.        them to turn on the alarm when they leave.
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