Page 58 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 58

42    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          utilizing a client list that is cross‐indexed, alphabetized   with the animal and what has been done up to this time.
          last name, and first name with the client number. So, you   The chronologic history is more time consuming because
          can see paper files take a great deal of effort to assemble   there is no set order in which it is written so a veteri­
          and file, so they can be retrieved again when needed.  narian will have to read the entire entry to be able to
                                                             follow the history of the animal.
                                                               Ancillary information can also be included on a paper
          Chronological Order or SOAP File                   file. It can indicate at a glance is if the animal is a biter. A
          Format                                             red star or tab on the front cover or a red tab placed on
                                                             the opposite corner from the letter or number tabs can
          Some paper files will have colored tabs between the dif­  be an indication of this danger. There are also allergy
          ferent sections of the record. Most will put the client/  stickers that can be placed on the folder to alert the staff.
          patient data as the top page followed by the master   Other ancillary information for paper history sheets
          problem list, medication list, and immunizations page.   could be in the form of stickers that have an outline of
          Then there are two choices for the part of the file that   the body or mouth. The mouth ones are used to indicate
          contains the doctor’s notes about each visit and any   issues with each tooth. The body sticker can indicate
          other information about the animal; this is called the his­  where an animal has sores, lesions, bumps, or lumps on
          tory. One type of history page is like a piece of notepaper.   their body, with location and the size noted. Both are
          The history is written in chronologic order as the veteri­  filled in as the examination is carried out on the animal.
          narian thinks about the patient and all that needs to be   This facilitates recheck visits to determine if the animal
          done for the patient. It also includes medications that   is recovering or getting worse.
          were prescribed and any other notes as she/he thinks of   If using a paper record it is important to make sure
          them. This page is also used by the receptionist if the   that all lab reports, radiographs, and other tests are
          client called and a question was answered. Other staff   marked in the file as they are completed.  Otherwise,
          members may also write on this page whenever something   those things can get lost and there would be no indica­
          was done to or for the animal if hospitalized. When the   tion as to whether or not they had been carried out. This
          page is full, another is placed on top. The second type of   is unacceptable for two reasons. First, it could mean
          history page is a bit more divided and will be in what is   repeating tests that may be painful and costly. Second, if
          called the SOAP format. This is a page which has specific   the owner feels there has been a mistake made, sloppy
          areas in which to write about the visit, phone call, or   records could cast doubt on the quality of medicine a
          other  contact  with  the  client/patient.  Each  letter  of   veterinarian practices and be grounds for a lawsuit,
          SOAP stands for:                                   which could cost the clinic money and possibly the vet­
                                                             erinarian’s license.
          •  Subjective information – client observations, the   When pulling a paper file from the filing cabinet an
           “chief complaint,” patient history as reported by the   out‐guide is put in its place. This is usually larger than the
           client and the physical aspect of the patient at the   regular folder and is made of thicker cardboard. Some
           time of visit.
          •  Objective data – veterinarian’s observations from the   will have a space for the date the file was pulled upon it,
                                                             otherwise it is just used as a place marker to facilitate
           physical exam, weight, and vital signs – in other words   replacement.
           the measurable data.
          •  Assessment – what the veterinarian has determined is
           wrong, tentative, or differential diagnosis.
          •  Plans – where treatment protocols, medications,   Reflection
           diagnostic tests, procedures, or surgeries are written,
           think of them as the “order” for the veterinary     Compare and contrast the two ways to mark files:
           technician and assistant to follow for the patient.   the color‐coded numerical system versus the
           Daily progress notes are listed here for hospitalized   color‐coding alphabetizing last name system.
           patients with entries concerning nursing care, eating,
           drinking, and mentation. Follow‐up appointments
           and prescribed drug therapies for the discharged
           patient are written here too.                     Transferring Medical Records
            There is usually one page per visit and they are kept in
          the file in chronologic order with the most recent visit   People move or decide to switch practices, or a client is
          on top. This type of record works well when there is   referred to a specialty practice and they require the
          more than one doctor on staff. Different doctors can   previous medical records. In all instances, a confidenti­
          look in specific areas to find quickly what is going on   ality waiver must be signed by the client before a copy or
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