Page 55 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 55
Chapter 3 Veterinary Business Protocols 39
4. If it is an emergency alert the staff that they have • Description: color of hair, length, markings – i.e.,
arrived. blaze, white paws, white tip on tail
5. If it is for an euthanasia, provide the euthanasia • Date of birth (DOB) – an approximate date is
release form and take care of payment in the room. satisfactory
• Previous health issues, medications, and
diet – there should be one section for each pet in
the household even if just one is present at this
Reflection appointment.
3. Consent forms: these are often consent to treat,
Envision dealing with an upset, angry, or stressed acceptance of financial responsibility, and who can
client. What can you do to de‐escalate the ask for medical information about the pet (usually a
situation and provide good customer service? spouse, significant other, or part owner). The client
Then reflect on how you can deal with this kind of is asked to read these forms and then signs on a
occurrence on a daily basis and what can you touch pad at the desk. The receptionist should
do to decompress.
confirm that the client understands the consent
form by asking them specific questions or asking if
they have any questions about the consent forms.
More about consent forms later in this chapter.
Admitting Patients All of the forms are returned to the receptionist, who
then puts the information into the database or assem
Once you have acknowledged the client and established bles them into the paper record. It is vital that this
who they are, you will have to access their pet’s record. information is correct as input mistakes will make it very
On the computer type in the client’s last name in the hard to find a record if a name is misspelled! Once the
Client ID box; this will pull up their record and if they new client is in the database indicate they are ready to
have more than one pet you will need to click on the pet be seen.
that is visiting that day. Paper files should be pulled
already; if not, locate the record in the filing cabinet.
Then ask a few questions to make sure the data on the Reflection
record is current. You should ask:
• Do you still live at ________ address? Why is all of the information necessary? What
• Are your phone numbers _______ for cell and difference does it make if we know what color
_________ for work? a cat is or whether it is the owner bringing an
• Patient today is _____ and is being seen for animal to the clinic?
___________. Is there anything else you need?
Ask the client to have a seat and indicate on the com
puter that they are ready to be seen. If using a paper file, Discharging Clients
place it in the designated spot to alert staff that the client
is ready to be seen. After the veterinarian has seen the patient and client
If the patient is new to the clinic you will have a bit
more information to fill in. Some clinics like to have the they are given a card or laminated form to take to the
reception desk. This insures that they stop and pay
client arrive early to fill out a paper form with the before leaving. All medications or supplies should be
required data for a new patient. These same forms would waiting for them at the desk. The receptionist should
be utilized for computerized or paper records. The greet the client and ask if they are all set to check out. If
forms would include the following:
medications are being sent home, ask them if they under
1. Client information: full name of owner(s), address, stand all the instructions. Be ready to go over the instruc
phone numbers, emergency contact person if the tions or ask a technician to come up and go over them
owner isn’t available. again with the client. Ask them if they need any food or
2. Signalment – pet information: supplements if that is offered through your clinic. Look
• Name – confirm spelling at the patient notes to determine if a recheck visit needs
• Breed – always ask, never assume a breed to be made and offer up the same options as discussed
• Species – canine, feline, lagomorphs, rodent, when answering the phone. Enter the appointment in
equine, bovine, ovine, caprine, swine the schedule and then determine the amount owed
• Sex: M = male, F = female, N/M = neutered male, for visit. Review each item on the visit list before
S/F = spayed female, date ________ announcing the total. This explains the value of each