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Chapter 3 Veterinary Business Protocols  35

             Scheduling Appointments                            1.  Know the amount of time veterinarians like to spend
                                                                   with their clients. Most clinics will schedule a 15–20
             Appointments are utilized for several reasons. The first is   minute block of time for every appointment. A
             to keep a practice running smoothly, it lets the staff know   paper and computer schedule book will have times
             what to expect for the day’s work and they can plan   blocked at these intervals with a column for each
             accordingly. Scheduling depends on the number of vet­  veterinarian seeing clients that day.
             erinarians on staff and who is scheduled to work. If there   2.  Routine procedures fit into 15‐minute time slots
             is just one doctor, time is set aside to examine and treat   very nicely. These appointments should be dispersed
             the hospitalized patients and perform surgeries in the   throughout the day, with more intense appoint­
             morning. The afternoon is then open for appointments   ments scheduled in between (Table 3.1).
             with time set aside at the end of the day to treat hospital­  3.  Unknown, non‐life‐threatening sickness or injuries
             ized patients. If there is more than one doctor, the duties   could take up more time so scheduling them
             may be divided between them such as one sees appoint­  between the routine appointments gives the veteri­
             ments all day and the other performs surgeries, treats   narians and technicians time for running tests or
             the hospitalized patients, perhaps sees clients in the   taking radiographs before the next routine visit
             afternoon, or does triage for dropped off pets and emer­  arrives. Another type of appointment that may take
             gencies. That is one example of the many ways the work   more time is for a new client. Extra time spent is
             can be divided and how scheduling varies from one prac­  often a good way to build loyalty and trust with a
             tice to another.                                      new client, so you may be directed to use a double
               There are two methods for recording appointments:   time slot for new clients.
             computerized and paper records. Most clinics will utilize   4.  Working clients into the schedule is also a trick to
             a management software program or app with an appoint­  learn. We can’t always predict when an animal will
             ment screen that is connected to the patient’s file, so it is   present with an illness or injury and if it is non‐life‐
             quite easy to enter the information for an appointment.   threatening we don’t want it to become worse by
             It is important to check that phone numbers are correct   waiting one or two days. For example, if Monday
             and enter why the patient is coming to the clinic. If the   and Tuesday are filling up with routine appoint­
             clinic is still utilizing a paper appointment book, you will   ments, start offering Wednesday or Thursday for
             need to make the entry in pencil, in case of cancellation.   those appointments. They can wait for a few days
             Important information to include is: the correct spelling   without any harm done, so spread them throughout
             of the owner’s name, phone numbers, name of the pet,   the week. This allows some flexibility in getting sick
             and the reason they are visiting. If the client is new to the   animals in the day the client calls. Of course, you
             practice indicate this on the schedule. If utilizing a com­  don’t want to have tons of open slots so fill appoint­
             puter, some clinics will have you start a client file with   ments in as clients call but be aware some types of
             client information and pet name to begin. If utilizing   illnesses and injuries shouldn’t wait (Table 3.1).
             paper files, it helps the receptionist to know to have a   5.  If the appointment book is filled and another client
             new file shell ready.                                 calls with an urgent care concern you may have to
               It takes a bit of knowledge to schedule appointments   offer the client the option of dropping the pet off at
             and to work clients in if necessary. You want the clinic to   the clinic. The veterinarian can examine the pet
             be busy but not so busy that every day is a struggle and   when there is time. Make sure to let the client know
             mayhem is the norm! The following are some guidelines   that this option will incur a kenneling fee, but if it is
             to follow when scheduling an appointment.             something that can’t wait that may be their only

                   TABLE 3.1
               Scheduling Appointments Per Concerns
               Routine procedures                Urgent care                       Emergency
               Vaccinations                      Vomiting, diarrhea                Choking, collapse, dyspnea
               Toenail trims                     Worsening of condition            Poisoning, seizure, snakebite
               Anal glands                       Blood in urine or feces           Paralysis, bleeding, dystocia
               Suture removal                    “Ain’t doing right” (ADR)         Hit by car (HBC), traumatic injuries
               Recheck for disease               Constipation, sore eye            Falling from balcony
               Health Certificate Exam           Hives, skin irritations           Bloat, straining to urinate or defecate
                                                 Frostbite, ear infection
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