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Chapter 4 Facility and Equipment Maintenance – Cleaning for Disease Control 67
(a) (c)
FIGURE 4.16 Autoclave: (a) exterior; (b) interior; (c) water fill.
casing and can clog up and stop the motor. The vacuum saturates surgical wraps and the detergent used to clean
for the facility will usually be an upright model that may them becomes aerosolized adding to the buildup of
require bags to be changed when full. Often these minerals. If you see a buildup of white crusty material in
machines will have an indicator light that will turn on the chamber and/or in the water tank that is what has
when the bag is full. Many of the modern‐day vacuums caused it (Figure 4.16). This buildup of minerals is
have dust or allergy filters that also need to be changed deposited upon the surgical instruments and can cause
on a regular basis. Setting up a monthly check of the fil- corrosion.
ters is a good way to remember to change them. Duraline Biosystems Inc. (http://www.duralinesystems.
Remember to let the inventory manager know that you com/blog/show/how‐to‐care‐for‐autoclave‐steam‐
need more bags and filters when you take the second to sterilizer), a maker and seller of autoclaves, recommends
last one. weekly cleaning of trays and racks with a non‐scratch
scour pad and a mild non‐abrasive detergent such as
Autoclaves Bon‐Ami™. Rinse the racks well to remove all of the
detergent. Drain the water from the reservoir and
An autoclave is used to sterilize surgical instruments, replenish with distilled water. Perform a biologic live
gowns, and drapes for surgery. It is probably one of the spore test to check that the autoclave is working prop-
most neglected pieces of equipment in the hospital. It erly. Monthly, clean the chamber and flush the lines with
requires distilled water to produce clean steam; how- an autoclave cleaner. Read the directions on the label for
ever, many clinics use tap water. When tap water is con- the cleaner’s specific steps. Inspect the electrical cord
verted to steam it leaves behind minerals naturally and plug for any signs of overheating. Yearly, have your
occurring in the water on the machine surfaces, con- autoclave inspected, cleaned thoroughly, tested, and
duits, and filters. This is doubled when the steam calibrated.