Page 82 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 82

66    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

                      (a)                                   (b)

          FIGURE 4.13  Clipper head sizes: (a) size 40 blade; (b) size 10 blade.

                               (a)                    (b)                         (c)

          FIGURE 4.14  Toenail trimmers.

          usually replaced. The guillotine trimmer has replacement
          blades that are easy to replace. The only cleaning that
          needs to be done on these is if a blood vessel was acci-
          dently cut. If this should happen, clean the tips of the
          blades off with alcohol or the spray disinfectant and wipe
          dry with a paper towel.


          The otoscope has several cannulas that are of different
          sizes for different sized pets (Figure 4.15). This instru-
          ment is used to look into ears, but it can also be used to
          look up a nostril or into the vaginal vault. Whatever the
          reason for its use the cannulas tend to become full of
          wax or body fluids. If they are not disposable, they need
          to be cleaned. First rinse them under warm to hot water,   FIGURE 4.15  Otoscope and cannula.
          then spray with a disinfectant spray, use a cotton swab to
          clean and dry the inside of the cannula and a paper   furniture. Some clinics will have a central vacuum
          towel to dry the outside.                          system. The maintenance for a vacuum is usually to
                                                             make sure the vacuum collection container is emptied.
                                                             Central vacuum systems have a large collection bin and
                                                             you may be asked to do a weekly or biweekly check to
          Vacuums are used in the surgery prep area to pick up   empty the bin. Otherwise, a clinic will have a canister or
          hair that has been shaved from a surgical site. There is   small portable vacuum in the surgery prep area. This
          also one used in the facility for carpeted areas and   will have to be emptied daily or the hair gets into the
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