Page 77 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 77
Chapter 4 Facility and Equipment Maintenance – Cleaning for Disease Control 61
When you have a “moment in time” clean out a drawer when finally sorted out and washed. Sort laundry into
or cupboard. These are often neglected and fill quickly four piles: surgical items, scrubs or lab coats, towels and
with hair, debris, and sometimes partial rolls of tape and bedding are sorted into dry and wet/contaminated.
bandage wrap. Remove everything, even the drawer Wash from cleanest to dirtiest.
from the cabinet if you can. Decide what is still usable or Surgical items must be washed first as these are the
if it can be moved to another area for use and discard the “cleanest.” Pretreatment of bloodstains on wraps and
rest. Either wipe the drawer clean or tip it to one corner gowns require a soak in cold water before placing them
and dump the debris into a trash can. If you cannot into the wash. If the washing machine has a presoak
remove the drawer, vacuum it to get it clean. Wipe down option, place all items with blood on them in the wash,
with a disinfectant spray and replace the items neatly add a presoak detergent that contains hydrogen per-
and move on to another drawer if you have time. To oxide, set it on cold water, and turn it on. Once the pre-
clean cabinets, remove all the items, wipe the shelf with soak cycle is completed and if there is room add the
disinfectant spray, and replace items neatly. Always other surgical wraps and gowns and wash in hot water
remember to check items for expiration dates before with regular detergent measured out as per label instruc-
putting them back. Restock items as necessary. tions. Do not put towels in with the surgical items,
Organizing bins are available in all sizes, shapes, and because the lint from the towels will stick to the cloth
colors. They are very useful for organizing supplies into and can fall into the surgical incisions causing a foreign
like items or per procedure in drawers and cabinets. body infection. Make sure the lint trap is clean on the
Check for an inventory card that lists the items that dryer, add the surgical items and a fabric softener sheet
should be in the bin or drawer. This is a great time saver if used, and start the drying cycle.
for restocking drawers so if there isn’t one ask for per- Scrubs, lab coats, and coveralls are washed next.
mission to make them up for the drawers. If possible, Check all the pockets for items and for stains on the
laminate the card so it can be tucked to one side, easily material; pretreat if necessary. These items can be
found but not easily destroyed. washed on warm or cool water settings with regular
Storeroom shelves should be dusted and floors swept detergent if not contaminated. Read the labels; if some
and mopped on a weekly basis. If the clinic uses pallets to of your items require cold water it is important to follow
keep food off the ground, take advantage of empty pal- the directions otherwise they may be damaged. If items
lets between food orders to lift them up and sweep under are contaminated, use a disinfectant for the presoak
them. Hair and dust bunnies love to congregate beneath cycle then wash in the appropriate water temperature
pallets. If you notice rodent droppings report it to the with detergent, and dry with a fabric softener sheet.
office manager to get traps or poison supplies. Dry towels and blankets are washed after the scrubs.
Refrigerators and freezers are another often neglected They are shaken out over the trash can to remove any
area in the facility. Refrigerators should be wiped down litter or feces. If there were feces on the material put that
with a disinfectant on a weekly basis. Check everything item in with the wet/contaminated load. Place the water
for expiration dates before putting them back. If there is setting on hot, add detergent, and if available set for
a refrigerator for human use in the break room, be the heavily soiled on the machine. This setting will take a bit
designated person to check through it and toss items longer and the agitation is a bit more robust. Place into
that are moldy or old. Wipe the surfaces with disinfec- the drier and add a fabric softener sheet. Repeat for as
tant spray. Never place human food into refrigerators that many loads of dry bedding items as need to be washed.
are storing vaccines, medications, or laboratory supplies Remember to clean the lint trap between loads. Hair and
and samples. This is not healthy and could cause some lint collected in the trap will decrease the effectiveness of
serious issues with human health! the dryer, resulting in longer drying times and a backlog
of wet wash waiting for the dryer.
Hospital Laundry
Laundry rooms tend to be neglected and are often one If necessary, set a timer on your phone to remind you to
of the dirtiest places in the facility! The dryer dust, lint, check the laundry throughout the day. Sometimes we get
debris from bedding, and splatter from the mop buckets so busy we forget and get behind!
all add to the mess. Stay on top of the mess by wiping
down the laundry machines, cleaning the lint trap after Wet/contaminated bedding, mop heads, and cleaning
each load, sweeping and mopping the room daily. towels need to be handled carefully and last. A mask,
Laundry itself is a daily, sometimes all‐day chore! Wet goggles, gloves, and waterproof apron is suggested PPE.
piles of contaminated bedding or scrubs cannot be Shake the items out over the garbage can to remove any
allowed to sit for any length of time. The piles are sources feces or litter that may be clinging to the item. Place
of disease and potential mold that becomes airborne them into the washer and adjust the machine to a hot