Page 76 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 76

60    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

            A few words about contagious pets. We don’t always   Start in cleanest room and move through to the dirtiest.
          know whether a pet is contagious, so it is always best to   Start high and work your way down to the floor.
          consider every pet to be a walking disaster waiting to   Offices and the lunch break room are usually only
          happen! Don’t put pets into runs or cages together,   used by the staff, so empty trash, vacuum if carpeted or
          never put a “healthy” patient with a surgical patient, and   sweep and mop. Wipe down the lunch table and dust the
          don’t put patients into runs that have not been cleaned   desk in the office. Wipe the light switch, doorknob, and
          in between occupants. If the isolation ward is full,   front and backs of the door.
          remember some diseases are specific to specific animals.
          If you have a puppy with parvovirus and there is no room   TIP BOX 4.2
          in the dog isolation ward, put it in the cat room. If you
          have a cat with feline leukemia, put it in the dog ward.   Time saving tip: when replacing garbage can liners, put a
          This is not ideal as far as stress levels are concerned but   few extra liners in the bottom of the can, then put the new
          at least you won’t be spreading these contagious dis-  liner on top. If the garbage can gets full or contaminated
          eases!  Remember  to  switch  gloves,  change  boots  or   during the day you don’t have to run for a liner as one is
          booties, leave lab coats that were used in the isolation   there waiting!
          ward there or put them straight in the laundry. Never
          walk into the isolation ward with your everyday scrubs   Repeat for the reception desk area, wiping down the
          and bare shoes! You could spread disease to the rest of   desk and if there is a patient ledge or counter wipe that
          the patients you work with that day or take it home to   off with disinfectant. Move to the reception area and the
          your own pets.                                     exam rooms. Start by dusting or wiping down the
                                                             furniture, counters, and chairs with the products that
                                                             are made to clean those surfaces. Wood furniture will
                                                             need polish, counters will need disinfectant spray, and
            Reflection                                       bookshelf or coffee tables perhaps just a dust cloth. If the
                                                             chairs in the reception area are cloth covered, use a
            After reading the section on order of cleaning   vacuum to remove hair and then wipe them down with a
            kennels describe in your own words which room    towel sprayed with disinfectant. Remove the trash either
            you would start with, how you would handle each   by dumping it into the large trash can or by removing
            animal and how you would clean, care for, and    the liner and replacing it with a new one. Check the wall
            provide comfort to the animals in that room.
                                                             around the trash cans for splatter, use the detergent and
                                                             water spray bottle to wash that area, followed by the dis-
                                                             infectant spray. Replenish paper towels, refill disinfec-
                                                             tant spray bottles in the exam rooms, and refill hand
          Facility Maintenance                               soaps/sanitizers.  Wipe the doorknobs, light switches,
                                                             and doors with disinfectant. If there are windows clean
                                                             those with a window cleaner. Use the dust mop to capture
          The entire veterinary facility must be cleaned on a reg-
          ular basis. There may be someone hired to do the daily   hair and dust bunnies, then the broom to sweep them
          janitorial work, but that person may be the veterinary   into the dustpan. Follow by mopping the floor as
          assistant! If that is the case, all rooms need daily attention.  described in the kennel cleaning section.

          1.  Stock a cleaning cart with detergent and water spray   TIP BOX 4.3
             bottles, disinfectant diluted and in a spray bottle,
             window cleaner, and paper towels.                 Look at what you are going to clean and choose the cleaner
          2.  Large trash can with a liner and extra trash can   suitable to the object!
             liners – varying sizes to fit the trash cans.
          3.  Mop bucket that is reserved for the public areas of   The  laboratory  and  bathrooms  are  next.  Wipe  off
             the practice. Reception, exam rooms, lab, offices,   counters and clean the sink with disinfectant. For bath-
             and so on.                                      rooms, clean mirrors with window cleaner, apply toilet
          4.  Extra paper towels to fill dispensers.         bowl cleaner to the bowl then brush clean and flush,
          5.  Hand soap and/or hand sanitizer to refill      wipe the seat top, bottom, and base with disinfectant and
             dispensers.                                     paper towels, and replenish toilet paper as needed. For
          6.  Brooms – a small one for corners and tight spaces, a   both rooms, remove the trash and replace liners if
             large one for hallways, and a dustpan.          necessary, replenish paper towels, soap/sanitizer, and
          7.  Dust mop, dusting cloth, and furniture polish if   disinfectant spray bottle in the lab. Wipe off the light
             necessary,                                      switch, doorknob, and front and back of the door. Sweep
          8.  Toilet bowl brush and cleanser,                and mop the floor.
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