Page 74 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 74

58    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

          FIGURE 4.2  Kennel: note the cage card holder, door showing latch and crossbars, and kitty perch.

          the contact time has elapsed, replace the bedding; this   can range from simple to complex. Some cage cards
          may be layers of newsprint and/or towels or blankets.   have blank columns in which the staff fills in the observa-
          Place clean water and food dishes in a place where they   tions along with the date and time of the observation.
          are not easily tipped inside the kennel. If there is a litter   Others have circled abbreviations to choose from or they
          pan, scoop the feces and urine out, remove visible debris   can be as simple as a place to write the name of the
          on the sides with detergent and water mixture, spray   patient, date admitted, and the potential reason. Some
          with disinfectant, wait for contact time, then dry with a   clinics also use a clean/dirty cage card; this can help pre-
          paper towel. If utilizing paper litter pans, dump every-  vent accidental exposure of patients to contagious
          thing in the large trash can and put a newly filled paper   diseases.
          litter pan in the kennel. Some clinics will spray a phero-  ID collars are paper bands that can be written upon
          mone onto a cat’s bedding to reduce anxiety. If the bed-  and have a sticky end to fit the collar so they cannot be
          ding is clean, leave it in the cat’s kennel as studies have   pulled off, much like a hospital band around a human’s
          shown familiar smells are of comfort to the animal.  wrist only these go around the animal’s neck. The name
            Put the animal back into its original kennel, making   of patient, last name of owner, and kennel number
          sure the door is latched. Accidental escapes and injuries   should be on the ID collar before it is attached to the
          have occurred because the kennel door wasn’t closed   patient. If for some reason there are no cage cards or ID
          properly. If the dog has relieved itself in the run, pick up   collars, keep a notebook on the cart or in your pocket
          feces, hose down urine, squeegee dry, spray with disin-  and mark which animal goes where as you take them out
          fectant, wait for contact time to elapse, and then it is   for cleaning.
          ready for the next dog. If the dog did not relieve itself,   Some clinics provide raised beds or mats for dogs to
          perhaps a trip outside is required before putting it back   sleep upon (Figure 4.4) and perches that allow cats to be
          into its original kennel. For cats, after putting them back   raised away from the litter box (Figure 4.2, lower right).
          in their original kennel, spray the holding kennel with   These should be checked and cleaned as necessary while
          disinfectant, wait for contact time to elapse, wipe dry   the patient is in the hospital. Once the patient goes home,
          with a paper towel, and then it is ready for the next cat.  raised beds need a thorough deep clean with disinfectant
            Note that the dog and cat were carefully placed back   and a scrub brush used to get into all the nooks and
          into their  original kennel. This is very important for a   crannies. Part of the cage and run that is often overlooked
          couple of reasons: (i) it is the kennel that has been   when cleaning is the door. It is difficult to clean doors with
          assigned to the pet on the computer or in the file so   a spray bottle and paper towel. They should be inspected
          when treatments are required or the owner has come to   regularly and lifted off their hinges and scrubbed thor-
          collect the pet it is important to get the right pet; and (ii)   oughly with a disinfectant as necessary. The corners of the
          if the animal is contagious you don’t want to spread it to   bars and where the bars or wires meet are often caked with
          another animal by putting it in the wrong kennel.  feces or litter if the pets liked to paw at the doors. Run walls
            Cage cards  and ID  collars should be used  to keep   should be scrubbed down with a long‐handled brush, espe-
          track of what animal goes where (Figure 4.3). Cage cards   cially if intact male dogs were being housed in them.
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