Page 71 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
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Chapter 4  Facility and Equipment Maintenance – Cleaning for Disease Control  55

                and working under a vented hood is recommended     gallon dilution. It can be corrosive to surgical
                when dealing with these products.                  instruments, so a detergent made to clean instru-
             6.  Glutaraldehyde is a chemical sterilizing agent that is   ments is recommended.
                broad‐spectrum in nature. It is used on endoscopic   4.  Chloroxylenol at 3% is an antiseptic used when
                instruments but will damage living tissues. It must be   patients are allergic to povidone‐iodine or chlorhex-
                double rinsed with sterile water before contact with   idine. It is used as a surgical scrub, oral mouth wash,
                living tissues.                                    and a wound lavage agent. It is bacteriostatic for 6
             7.  Phenols are potent disinfectants and antiseptics –    hours after application. It is non‐toxic to avians and
                Lysol and essential oils like tea tree oil – should   mammals.
                never be used around or on cats as they are toxic.  5.  Hydrogen peroxide – 3% hydrogen peroxide,
                                                                   Rescue™ 4.25% concentration. At 3%, hydrogen
               Antiseptics are disinfecting chemicals that are used to
             reduce the number of microbes on living tissues. Often   peroxide is a mild antiseptic. It is often used to
                                                                   flush out wounds when first presented. The bub-
             you will hear people refer to a surgical scrub on an   bling action is caused by the enzyme catalase, found
             animal as being “sterile.” It really isn’t sterile; it is very   in blood and cells which converts hydrogen per-
             clean but not sterile. If you were to “sterilize” tissue, it   oxide into water and oxygen. Usually a onetime
             would die. Antiseptics can have a detergent mixed in   application as studies have shown that it can destroy
             with the chemical to produce suds. This is used to tell   healthy tissue. Hydrogen peroxide is also a
             where you have scrubbed and where you have missed!    bleaching agent that will remove bloodstains from
             Many are a broad‐spectrum disinfectants meaning they   hair and clothing.
             can destroy almost all pathogens depending on contact
             time.  Some  will  be  used  full  strength  and  others  will   Sterilization is the destruction of microbes, achieved
             need to be diluted. Remember to read the label! Some   with autoclaves or gas. Autoclaves are machines that use
             commonly used antiseptics are as follow.           pressure, steam, and time to kill microbes; gas sterilizers
                                                                utilize ethylene oxide, humidity, and time. More
             1.  Alcohol (isopropyl or ethyl) is used at 70%    information about sterilization techniques can be found
                concentration. It is purchased at this strength or it   in Chapter  14 on surgical techniques. Maintenance
                can be purchased at 90–100% in which case you   information on the autoclave is given later in this chapter.
                would have to dilute it to 70%. Alcohol destroys
                bacteria and viruses by dehydrating them. It is a
                good degreaser and is used to disinfect thermome-
                ters, injection sites, and to dry surgical sites. Hand   Learning Exercise
                sanitizers are made up of 70% ethyl alcohol and are
                effective on 99.9% of the bacteria on hands 30     From the list of disinfectants and antiseptics
                seconds after application and 99.99–99.999% in 1   select the most appropriate one for the scenario
                minute, demonstrating that contact time is impor-  described in the table. You may use more than
                tant when using antiseptics.                       one.
             2.  Povidone‐iodine is used at 2% dilution. It is a                                    Disinfectant
                broad‐spectrum antiseptic that is used for surgery.   Scenario                      or  antiseptic
                There are two preparations: a scrub solution that   Disinfecting sharp surgical
                will suds up and is used to scrub the skin before a   instruments
                surgical procedure; and a thinner solution that is   Scrubbing surgical site on a patient
                further diluted 1 : 10 and sprayed or painted on
                intact skin before surgery starts. It can also be used   Disinfecting a kennel
                at 0.35% dilution (17.5 mL of 10% povidone‐iodine   Lavaging a wound
                in 500 mL of normal saline) as a lavage for wounds.   Sterilizing endoscopic equipment
                It is a brown color and stains fur, is deactivated by   A good degreaser or drying agent
                organic debris and alcohol, so it has fallen out of
                favor in some veterinary clinics. Residual effects last
                4–6 hours.
             3.  Chlorhexidine – Nolvasan™, Hibiclens™ – both   Hospital Waste – Non‐
                come in scrubs or solutions. It is not deactivated by
                alcohol or organic materials; it is inhibited by soaps  Hazardous versus Hazardous
                and pH changes. It is used full strength as a surgical
                scrub, diluted 1 : 40 to lavage wounds, and has a    Veterinary practice can generate a great deal of waste. It
                2‐day residual effect. It can be used as a broad‐spec-  is usually divided into two categories: non‐hazardous and
                trum antiseptic on inanimate objects at a 3 oz per   hazardous. Hazardous waste is anything that can harm
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