Page 68 - Zoo Animal Learning and Training
P. 68

52    Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant

                             6.  Describe basic sanitation as associated with animal handling
                               and clinical care:
                               a. clean and disinfect cages and kennels (stalls optional)
                          B.  Animal care
                              1.  Provide routine record‐keeping, and observation of hospital-
                                 ized patients (i.e., stress importance of notations made when
                                 cleaning and feeding)
                             11.   Provide care and maintenance of nursing equipment (i.e.,
                                 otoscope, ophthalmoscope, thermometer, etc.)

          Basic Cleanliness

          and Orderliness                                      Reflection
                                                               Think about how diseases can be transmitted in
          Veterinary assistants play a vital part in the prevention of   everyday life between humans. What daily activ-
          nosocomial infections. These are infections acquired at   ities do you participate in that could directly or
          a clinic or hospital. Animals become infected in one of   indirectly cause you to become sick?
          two ways:

          1.  Direct transmission from animal to animal by way
             of contact with body fluids or secretions such as
             blood, urine, feces, saliva, or tears. Ingestion or   Organisms that cause disease are called  pathogens.
             absorption are the most common means of         They are microscopic in nature and are referred to as
             acquiring an infection. Bites, playing, living in   microbes, although not all microbes are pathogens.
             dirty conditions, rubbing against each other, or   Pathogens are divided into categories based on their
             lying together are all examples of direct       genetic makeup. Those that cause disease include bacteria,
             transmission.                                   viruses, fungi, protozoans, and parasites. Nosocomial
          2.  Indirect transmission of disease to an animal can   infections are caused by different types of bacteria,
             occurs in several ways:                         viruses, and fungi that are “resident” pathogens, meaning
            •  Coming into contact with contaminated         they are normally found in the environment. They can be
              inanimate objects termed fomites. Fomites can   deadly to animals that have a weakened immune system
              be virtually anything; exam tables, clothing,   which includes animals that have undergone major sur-
              hands, shoes, grooming tools, phones, and      gery,  have  cancer  or  another  disease,  are  old  or  very
              doorknobs are examples. An example of a        young, or are extremely stressed. These sick or injured
              fomite transmission would be a grooming tool   animals  are susceptible to  secondary  infections from
              used on an animal with ringworm (fungus – not   Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and other bacteria that are
              always apparent – can be highly infectious) and   commonly found in veterinary facilities.
              then used on another, or a bandage scissor used   Many animal diseases are  species‐specific. For
              to remove an extremely infected bandage is then   example, feline leukemia virus (FeLV) can only infect
              used to cut bandage material for another       cats, and canine parvovirus can only infect dogs. This is
              patient.                                       important to know because some hospitals do not have
            •  Airborne disease is considered as indirect    a quarantine area large enough to handle major out-
              transmission. Infectious organisms are transmitted   breaks, but you could house a cat with FeLV in the dog
              by coughing, sneezing, or hissing. The organisms   ward or a dog with parvovirus in the cat ward if
              in the saliva are suspended as droplets or     necessary.
              absorbed by the dust in the air, then inhaled or   Some pathogens that cause diseases in animals can
              absorbed through the mucous membranes or       spread to humans: this is called zoonosis. There are over
              breaks in the skin.                            200 zoonotic diseases that can be passed from animals to
            •  Vector‐borne diseases are transmitted indirectly by   humans. There are also diseases that can be passed from
              an intermediate host, often insects or rodents.   humans to animals; this is called  anthroponosis or
              The organisms are transmitted through bites or   anthroponotic diseases. For example, human influenza
              are ingested by the animal.                    can be transmitted to ferrets.
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