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Chapter 4 Facility and Equipment Maintenance – Cleaning for Disease Control 57
10. Pheromone spray for cats, enrichment toys for
Learning Exercise dogs and cats (boarding animals only)
11. Brooms – small one for tight spaces, large one for
The following are examples of wastes that need large rooms or hallways, dust pan
to be dealt with in a veterinary practice. In the 12. Dust mop
table mark whether the waste is a biohazard, 13. Mop bucket with squeeze mechanism to remove
recyclable or non‐recyclable waste, chemical excess water. Fill with disinfectant measured out to
hazard, or a sharp. the proper dilution, clean mop head and squeegee
and/or a second mop and bucket filled with water.
Decision on handling
Type of waste waste
Start cleaning the least contaminated kennel working
A broken vaccine bottle
to the most contaminated or infectious kennel. This is
Newsprint used in a kennel true in every ward and usually the surgery ward is consid-
Plastic saline bottle ered the cleanest and the quarantine ward the dirtiest.
Accidental spill of a pesticide The goal is to minimize cross‐contamination and maxi-
mize patient comfort. Once in the wards if you have a
choice between a pet that has not soiled its cage, has
slept nicely on the bed provided, and not tipped its water
Cleaning Techniques When over, and the pet that has soiled its cage, walked in it,
Caring for Hospitalized spread it from top to bottom, has a soaked blanket and
food tipped over and smeared all over, take care of the
Animals neat pet first! This seems wrong because we want to pro-
vide dry, comfortable kennels for all animals but the few
Providing patient comfort and safety are the underlying minutes it takes to care for the neat pet versus the messy
principles in caring for hospitalized patients. Keeping pet won’t matter. Also, it always seems that if a pet is
them clean, safe, fed, and comfortable is often delegated highly anxious and pawing at the cage, it will tip its water
to the veterinary assistant. By keeping a clean and healthy over before you are even able to leave the ward! Thus,
environment you are not only reducing the risk of noso- you will have to start over again! If there is room, you
comial infections, but the result is a patient that will heal could move the messy pet to an empty run to get them
faster, a happier client, and a successful clinic. This out of the dirty kennel but save cleaning that one until
chapter discusses the proper cleaning techniques; last as it is the most contaminated.
patient requirements are discussed in Chapter 10. Some clinics do not deep clean a kennel or run if the
patient is tidy. Refreshing the water and food, fluffing up
Order of Cleaning the towel or blanket is thought to be less stressful for the
pet than moving it into one cage while cleaning its
assigned cage, then moving it back. If the animal is
Before starting into the wards you should have a cleaning boarding, encourage the owner to bring a towel, blanket,
cart that can be stocked with supplies.
or bed from home. The morning or day before they are
1. Clean water dishes and food dishes (paper trays) to go home wash the item, so it looks and smells good.
which will have to be filled for each pet depending Pets appreciate a stroll outside to relieve themselves and
on the type of food given in the hospital or whether stretch their legs. A few good pats and some kind words
on a special diet. Check the patient records to will also go a long way in keeping them from becoming
confirm the type of food and amount. depressed.
2. Detergent and water spray bottle If the kennel is messy, gently remove the pet, placing
3. Small scrub brush for kennel doors – large long‐han- dogs in a run and cats in a holding kennel. Then remove
dled brush for runs all the items inside the kennel. If there is visible debris in
4. Disinfectant diluted in spray bottle the kennel, spray the detergent and water mixture then
5. Paper towels wipe with paper towels to remove it from the cage sur-
6. Newsprint and/or clean towels and blankets for faces. Again, clean from the least dirty part of the kennel
bedding to the dirtiest. The cleanest will be the ceiling, then sides,
7. Disposable gloves – switched between contagious bars, and floor of the kennel (Figure 4.2).
pets and after handling feces/urine If there is not much debris or once it has been
8. Replacement litter, clean litter boxes, litter scoop if removed, spray the kennel surfaces with disinfectant and
needed wait for the contact time to elapse before wiping dry with
9. Large garbage can with liner for trash – another can a paper towel. While waiting you can start on another
for dirty laundry kennel if there is room to move the next animal. Once