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Chapter 4 Facility and Equipment Maintenance – Cleaning for Disease Control 53
What steps need to be taken to prevent nosocomial withstand extreme weather conditions and can live for a
infections? long time. Both anaerobic and spore‐forming organisms
are very difficult to destroy.
1. Everyone needs to do their part in keeping the Viruses are different in that they require a living host
facility clean, orderly, and well organized. Being to multiply. Many are short lived outside of a host, but
each other’s safety net is important to safeguard the some are tougher and can survive for 24–72 hours
patients, clients, and staff from becoming infected outside of a host. Most viruses are destroyed by the body’s
by a pathogen. A valuable and competent veterinary immune system which develops antibodies that attach to
assistant is one who not only maintains the a virus and destroys it by a chemical process. This is
immediate environment of the patient, but also brought about by the body’s ability to recognize the
looks at the surrounding areas, identifies and antigens that are on the surface of the virus. These
corrects potential issues. He/she will also be able to antigens are recognized by lymphocytes which produce
extend the cleanliness to all areas inside and outside and release the antibodies. Vaccinations induce the lym-
of the facility. phocytes to recognize the antigens and that is why we
Treat every animal as if it is harboring every path- vaccinate for rabies, distemper, parvovirus, feline leu-
ogen known to man! It can take days for an animal kemia, and other contagious viruses.
to show signs of an illness or condition so it is In defense against these pathogens we have in our
important to follow some basic rules after taking arsenal disinfectant agents and sterilizing techniques
care of every animal.
• When in doubt, consider it contaminated. Clean that can destroy the various pathogens. Agents that kill
pathogens will have the suffix ‐cidal affixed to the root
or change out everything that came into contact word that describes the pathogen:
with the animal before it is used on another. This
includes otoscope, stethoscope, clippers, scissors, Bactericidal = destroys bacteria Viricidal = destroys
exam tables, bedding, cages, kennels, and so on. viruses
• Gloves must be put on before touching any Fungicidal = destroys fungus Sporicidal = destroys
potentially contaminated surface, whether spore‐forming bacteria
animate or inanimate. They must be removed and Bacteriostatic or virostatic are examples of agents that
disposed of properly to reduce contamination to prevent further replication. The suffix ‐static is attached
skin and environment.
• Clean, washable clothing is worn to protect “street to the root word. These agents are chemical compounds
that will destroy several different pathogens. If they are
clothes.” Scrubs, coveralls, aprons, or lab coats are formulated to destroy every pathogen they are referred
worn in the clinic and must be changed if visibly or to as broad‐spectrum disinfectants. When choosing a dis-
known to be contaminated. Utilize a roller brush infectant, read the label. Look for what it destroys and if,
to remove loose hair from one patient before for example, the bottle reads “bactericidal and viricidal
going on to the next. The use of these items of only” it will not destroy fungi or spore‐forming bacteria.
clothing prevents diseases from leaving the clinic.
• The use of footbaths or disposable booties Most clinics will opt for a broad‐spectrum disinfectant
that will destroy everything.
prevents tracking pathogens into sterile zones or These chemical agents are only as good as the person
out of sick wards.
using them. They must be appropriately diluted and
applied properly. Read the label; it will be very specific
on how the agent should be diluted and how long it
Reflection should be in contact with the surface that needs to be
disinfected. This is called contact time and will vary
Explain what a nosocomial infection is and how it depending on the surface being cleaned and the prod-
is transferred to a lay person.
uct being used. Dilutions must be precise because too
dilute and it will not destroy the pathogen and if too
strong it may damage equipment or be toxic to the
In order to control pathogens, an understanding of person using the product.
how they survive in the environment and respond to dis-
infectants is important. Most pathogens are highly sus-
ceptible to sunlight, heat, cold, oxygen, and chemicals. Reflection
Aerobic organisms die quickly when exposed to any of
these conditions. Anaerobic organisms have adapted to Explain what the difference is between a ‐cidal
surviving extreme conditions; they thrive in environ- and a ‐static disinfectant. Explain how disinfec-
ments that are dark, moist, and low in oxygen. Some bac- tants are only as good as the person using them.
terial pathogens are spore‐forming which are able to