Page 220 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 220
206 Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
Figure B.24 Hip adduction. Figure B.26 Hip external rotation.
Hip external/internal rotation
• Dorsal recumbency with the tibia flexed at a right
angle to the femoral shaft.
• Line up the patella and the coxofemoral joint per-
pendicular to the ground.
• The fixed arm of the goniometer is placed in line
with the longitudinal axis of the body, the mobile
arm is parallel to the tibia, and the fulcrum lies over
the patella (Fig. B.25).
• The tibia is rotated toward the body to produce
external rotation of the hip, and away from the body
to rotate the hip internally.
Figure B.25 Ready to measure hip external/internal rotation.
Figure B.27 Hip internal rotation.
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