Page 216 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
P. 216
202 Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
Figure B.7 Shoulder internal rotation. Figure B.9 Elbow extension.
• Prevent movement of the scapula away from the Radioulnar joints
body wall.
• One arm of the goniometer is parallel to the Radioulnar pronation/supination
ground, the other follows the humeral longitudi-
nal axis. With the fulcrum over the shoulder joint, • Evertion/invertion of the paw from the head of the
the external/internal rotation angle is measured metacarpals.
by rotating the antebrachium inwards/outwards
respectively (rotation of the antebrachium pro-
duces a rotation of the shoulder in the opposite
Elbow flexion/extension
• Lateral view.
• Humeral longitudinal axis to antebrachium longitu-
dinal axis.
Figure B.8 Elbow flexion. Figure B.10 Ready for pronation.
REDONDO PRINT (4-COL BLEED).indd 202 08/08/2019 09:50