Page 29 - Veterinary Laser Therapy in Small Animal Practice
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Anti-inflammatory effect                               15

                       External      Internal                                     3.1.1 Vasoactive amines
                    such as         such as
                    • trauma        • vascular                       The most important of these are histamine and sero-
                    • temperature   • immune                         tonin. Both induce an increase in vascular permea-
                    • radiation                                      bility. Histamine is released by mast cells, basophils,
                    • microorganisms   Resolution/ healing/
                    • and toxins          homeostasis                and platelets. It induces vasodilation of arterioles and
                                                                     vasoconstriction of larger arteries. Mast cells increase
                                                                     their histamine liberation when irradiated with infra-
                                                                     red  laser  in  vitro [25]   and  in  vivo [26] ;  however,  please
                          Inflammation               Chronification    remember this is far from being the whole picture and
                                                   • chronic ulcers  does  not  necessarily  mean  the  clinical  effect  is  going
                    Inflammatory                    • IBD             to be pro-inflammatory, since mast cells can influence
                       cells         Exaggerated   • degenerative    not only the destructive  events of inflammation  but
                    Inflammatory       and out of   • conditions      also analgesia and defense mechanisms. [27]  Serotonin is
                     mediators          control    • carcinogenesis  also a neurotransmitter and can be found in the ner-
                                    • acute immune                   vous system, as well as in platelets and enterochromaf-
                                    • reactions
                                    • SIRS                           fin cells (a special type of neuroendocrine cell). It also
                                                                     plays a role in pain modulation, and LT may influence
                   Figure 3.1 Laser does not abolish the inflammatory phase,   its regulation: it increases serotonin levels, which in
                   but modulates the amounts of its components, and by doing   turn has an analgesic effect [28, 29] ; however, the inflam-
                   so, it seems to help the body resolve the process faster and   matory effect is species-dependent.
                   with better resulting tissue properties. Failure to modulate
                   the inflammatory response is the common core of a very
                   wide variety of clinical entities, and this is one of the reasons   3.1.2 Acute phase proteins and plasmatic proteases
                   why LT is so versatile. In many of these conditions, the
                   pathogenesis implies both an inflammatory component and   This category includes the coagulation cascade and the
                   a failure to properly regulate it. IBD, inflammatory bowel   fibrinolytic, complement, and kinin systems. In exper-
                   disease; SIRS, systemic inflammatory response syndrome.  imental studies, LT was able to decrease fibrinogen
                   Illustrator: Elaine Leggett.                      plasma levels. [30]  The end product of the kinin system
                                                                     is bradykinin, which attracts neutrophils and other
                                                                     inflammatory cells to the site. It also increases edema
                   the global clinical picture is much more complex than   and generates pain in the inflamed area. LT can mod-
                   each of these effects. Especially when a single mecha-  ulate kinin receptors [31]  as part of its anti-inflamma-
                   nism is observed in vitro, it should be considered very   tory effect.  Acute phase proteins such as C-reactive
                   valuable information but far from a full clinical effect:   protein may also increase in response to exercise and
                   it would be like comparing a word or a few words with   muscle stress, and LT may be able to modulate this, [32]
                   the meaning of a whole conversation.              although the evidence is still scarce and does not

                   Table 3.1 Laser therapy has been reported to influence inflammatory mediators from every main group.

                                                                                     Influence of LT reported in literature
                                 Group                          Example
                                                                                               (ref. nos)
                            Vasoactive amines              Histamine, serotonin                  25–29
                     Acute phase proteins and plasmatic
                               proteases                       Bradykinin                        30–32
                             Lipid mediators                     PGE2                          23, 33–37
                               Cytokines                      TNF, IL-1, IL-6                    38–48
                                Others                        NO, CO, ROS                        49–56

                   Note: some of these effects are described in in vitro studies, others in vivo, and some in both.

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