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Anti-inflammatory effect                               19

                   long periods of time. The body has several protective   leukocytes to burn wounds, [57]  but most of them report
                   mechanisms,  such as  producing anti-inflammatory   a decrease in polymorphonuclear cell infiltration after
                   cytokines, which inhibit iNOS, or increasing glutathi-  LT and downregulation of lymphocytic proliferation
                   one, a radical scavenger that protects cells from toxicity   during the healing process following experimental skin
                   caused by NO overproduction. But when NO escapes   and mucosal wounds as well as burns. This correlates
                   control, things like cytotoxicity and SIRS can happen.   with the anti-inflammatory effect of laser. [5, 43, 58–60]  The
                   Yes, a bit of NO can be helpful on a wild Saturday night;   story with mast cells is a bit more complex; they are
                   it actually may save your life if you are having a heart   well known for their role in allergic reactions, and they
                   attack or stroke, but too much of it can kill you. Sounds   are important in the early phenomena of burn healing,
                   familiar, after all.                              but a prolongation of their effects over time would per-
                     Since LT increases NO production, [53, 54]  it could have   petuate the inflammatory process and potentially the
                   a role in the treatment of myocardial infarction and   discomfort associated with the injury. LT modulates
                   ischemic stroke, and this is being investigated (see sec-  this; it increases the number of mast cells in the first 2
                   tions 5.3 and 9.8.3). LT delivered percutaneously in vivo   weeks after second-degree burns in rats, but then in the
                   was able to successfully reverse experimentally induced   fourth week (remodeling phase) the number of mast
                   arterial spasm in atherosclerotic Yucatan microswine.  cells decreases in laser-treated animals. [61]  In rats with
                   [55]  The reason for this is that LT induces relaxation of   experimental linear incisions, mast cells were increased
                   smooth muscle, as described in bronchoconstriction   by day 4 but had decreased at day 10. [62]  The different
                   models, [56]  but also the smooth muscle that is present in   experimental models may explain why, although both
                   the vascular wall. What is more interesting is that this   studies indicate an early increase and later decrease in
                   increase in NO would be coming from eNOS, and LT   mast cells in the wound, the shift happens at different
                   would actually be decreasing iNOS expression. [40]  This   times – later in the burn than in the incision model.
                   would be great news, since we could benefit from the   But after all, you would expect an incision to heal faster
                   increased blood flow if needed, and still have an anti-   than a burn.
                   inflammatory effect.                                 Laser can also benefit mucosal inflammation: inter-
                                                                     esting results have been published about its use in
                    3.2 The anti-inflammatory effect of laser        radiotherapy- and chemotherapy-induced oral muco-
                      therapy on different cells, tissues, and       sitis.  LT  provided  analgesia  and  better  resolution  of
                                    conditions                       the oral lesions, both in an experimental model and in
                                                                     clinical  studies  with human  patients,  with  associated
                   Inflammation  shows  particularities  depending  on  the   functional improvement and a better ability to eat. [63–67]
                   tissue and condition; some inflammatory cells are    In models of  pulmonary  inflammation, asthma,
                   more predominant in acute inflammation and others   and edema, LT also decreases leukocyte infiltration.
                   in chronification, and some specialized macrophages   It has been proposed that this is because inhibition of
                   are exclusive to certain tissue types, such as the nerv-  inflammatory mediators decreases intercellular adhe-
                   ous system microglia. As a general process, damage to   sion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) expression. [68]  Also both in
                   the endothelium, considered by many to be our largest   vivo and in vitro studies have shown that the hyper-re-
                   organ, initiates the inflammatory cascade. The activa-  sponsiveness of airway smooth muscle cells, as seen in
                   tion of certain molecules, such as integrins and vascular   asthma and other respiratory disorders, can be signifi-
                   cell adhesion molecules (VCAMs), allows the adhesion   cantly attenuated with LT. [56, 69]  It also decreased the
                   (margination and rolling) of circulating neutrophils,   number of eosinophils in the bronchoalveolar lavage
                   the first cell type to be recruited, which then migrate   and the serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels in a
                   (diapedesis) through the endothelial wall and into the   model of asthma. [45]  A similar result was described in
                   inflammatory site. Neutrophils are the predominant   a murine model of acute pleurisy, [44]  in which inflam-
                   cell type in the first 24–48 h of acute inflammation, and   matory mediators and exudate volume were decreased
                   are replaced by macrophages later on.             after LT.
                     Wounds are the most studied field of LT, including   The microglia, which make up the immune system
                   the inflammatory process (Figs 3.5 and 3.6). A few arti-  of the brain and spine, also seem to respond to LT.
                   cles describe a stimulating effect on the chemotaxis of   According to an in vitro study with neuronal cultures,

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