Page 6 - Rethinging retail with mixed reality
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Innovate faster
What if your customer could view an augmented reality virtual
store from the comfort of their own home?
Augmented Store, a visualization platform Not only are you bringing your physical
of virtual stores based on Microsoft Azure store into the home of a buyer, but you
services, gives your customers immediate are also able to use the Augmented Store
access to your store virtually. Imagine platform to access real-time data collection
empowering your sales representatives and analysis as well as 3D models that can
to continue cultivating customer relation- assist with product prototyping.
ships with visitors to your store – in-person
or remotely – by entering a mixed reality
experience as a holographic avatar.
Give customers what they want.
73% of customers consider customer experience an important
factor in their purchasing decision. And 93% of consumers want
seamless omni-channel experiences. Hevolus can give your
buyers a multidevice and multiplayer experience with Augmented
Store running on HoloLens 2,
smartphone, tablet, and
Windows devices.