Page 9 - Rethinging retail with mixed reality
P. 9
Case study: Natuzzi
Challenge Solution
Even though the company’s Natuzzi has introduced mixed reality tech-
furniture is made and sold in nology from Microsoft to give its customers
Italy, 90% of Natuzzi’s busi- digital experiences to help them design how
ness comes from abroad. they live and entertain by seeing potential
That’s why the Italian furni- purchases in the context of their own homes.
ture maker needed to find The mixed reality technology enhances
a new way to elevate the the browsing experience by allowing the
shopping experience for its
customers, facilitating conve- customer to interact with a realistic visualiza-
tion of the chosen product in their space. By
nient and engaging buying wearing the HoloLens 2 headset, customers
experiences for customers can move the product around and change its
around the world.
patterns and colors to get a sense of how it
will look wherever they place it.
With the use of mixed reality and Hevolus solutions, the customer can interact
with all the items in Natuzzi’s inventory regardless of where the product is
stocked. This minimizes Natuzzi’s costs by allowing them to fully stock their
virtual catalog instead of their stores, depending on customer demand.
“With mixed reality, we have a vision for a new type of store where customers
can see and interact with any item in our catalog. This is wonderful for our
customers, but also wonderful for Natuzzi, because now we can effectively have
limitless inventory in every store.”
– Pasquale Natuzzi Jr., Creative director and stylist at Natuzzi