Page 8 - Rethinging retail with mixed reality
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Optimize resources

        What if your organization could reduce costs while

        increasing order conversion rates, using HoloLens 2?

        Phygital Remote Selling is a HoloLens 2     Using HoloLens 2 and AI services,
        solution that not only strengthens          Phygital Remote Selling enriches
        the relationship between buyer and          online customer experiences with 3D
        seller but also offers significant time     holographic images that take sales to
        savings to your company by stream-          the next level. Take a customer-cen-
        lining operations and ensuring that         tric approach while optimizing costs
        each customer leaves the experience         for the periodic preparation of phys-
        with a strong emotional under-              ical exhibits.
        standing of your product offerings.

                                    The value of Phygital Remote Selling

                                    and HoloLens 2

                                    •  Give customers virtual access to your full product catalog
                                        instead of being limited to items located at a store.
                                    •  Eliminate the cost of supporting physical showrooms.
                                    •  Improve the order conversion rate by up to 45%.
                                    •  Reduce sales lead time by over 50%.
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