Page 7 - Rethinging retail with mixed reality
P. 7

Case study: Ferragamo

                                 Challenge                                  Solution

                                 Salvatore Ferragamo is a glob-             With the help of Hevolus and
                                 ally leading luxury industry that’s        Microsoft, Ferragmo can enrich its
                                 been around for nearly a century.          customers’ experiences using the
                                 The luxury goods organization is           Augmented Store at Home platform
                                 constantly trying to meet the expec-       running on Azure and deployable to
                                 tations of customers, which has            HoloLens 2.
                                 become more difficult with the rise of
                                 digital platforms.


                                 The brand can now offer immersive and high-resolution 3D experiences to
                                 its customers, giving them the ability to choose and customize shoes in their
                                 luxury Tramezza men’s shoe collection.

                                 With the use of Hevolus solutions, Ferragamo customers can now:

                                 •  Visualize and interact with a digital twin of the shoes on their screen.
                                 •  Choose different models and materials.
                                 •  Get assistance from human sales associates while shopping virtually.

               The power of

               Augmented Store

               with mixed reality

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