Page 6 - Three Steps to Identity Zero Trust with Silverfort and Azure AD - Silverfort
P. 6

Step 1: Gain full visibility

                               Silverfort empowers you to overcome the visibility

                               challenges of today’s hybrid environments and gain
                               insight into every machine and application.

                               Today’s organizational environ-              comprises. Silverfort automates
                               ment is more complex and frag-               this discovery process, providing
                               mented than ever, with thousands             you with comprehensive insight
                               of applications, cloud workloads,            into all your on-premises and cloud
                               and on-premises machines. The                resources. Once you have all your
                               essential prerequisite for imple-            assets mapped, you can plan and
                               menting a Zero Trust approach                execute least-privileged access
                               in your environment is granular              policies that encompass your
                               visibility into what this environment        entire hybrid environment.

        A steep rise
        in the number
        of enterprise


        The number of enter-
        prise applications is
        rapidly increasing,
        creating a visibility
        challenge that grows in
        proportion to an enter-
        prise’s size and number
        of branches.
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