Page 8 - Three Steps to Identity Zero Trust with Silverfort and Azure AD - Silverfort
P. 8

Step 3: Extend Azure AD Zero Trust

                               to the entire enterprise


                               Silverfort extends Azure AD secure access capabilities
                               to all on-premises machines and legacy applications to

                               provide a cohesive and consistent Zero Trust across all
                               enterprise resources.

                               While migration to the cloud is             and MFA to these resources as
                               indeed increasing, there are still          well. Together, the Silverfort and
                               core enterprise resources that              Azure AD integration materially
                               reside on-premises such as legacy           reduces attackers’ ability to per-
                               applications, workstations, and             form malicious access with com-
                               servers. Compromised credentials            promised credentials by applying
                               are a key attack vector to access           Zero Trust access policies. These
                               these resources in lateral move-            policies require additional valida-
                               ment and ransomware propaga-                tion on top of mere credentials to
                               tion. Silverfort can now fill a critical    trust the user and grant access to
                               historical security gap by extend-          the requested resource.
                               ing Azure AD Conditional Access

        Ransomware attacks are rising

        Ransomware attacks are rapidly increasing in scope and volume. Ransomware payloads utilize
        compromised credentials to propagate in the attacked network, making the extension of Azure
        AD Zero Trust to the on-premises environment a key necessity.          3

        Ransomware, by the numbers

        Increase in ransomware               Anticipated global ransom-            Average ransom demand in
        attacks, fueled by the pan-          ware recovery costs by the            Q4 2020: $154,108 (-34%
        demic: 148%                          end of 2021: $20 billion              from Q3 2020)
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