Page 9 - Three Steps to Identity Zero Trust with Silverfort and Azure AD - Silverfort
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Identity Zero Trust is now
within your reach
Identity-based attacks are is the best fit for mitigating this
increasing in sophistication and threat. Azure AD delivers Identity
volume. The ability to proactively Zero Trust for web and SaaS appli-
prevent the common scenario in cations, while Silverfort extends
which an attacker is utilizing com- the Azure AD access controls to
promised credentials for mali- deliver the same protection in the
cious access is now an imperative. on-premises environment. In this
An Identity Zero Trust approach manner, Silverfort and Azure AD
that replaces the implicit trust in enable you to reach true Identity
user credentials with proactive Zero Trust across all resources in
access controls such as adaptive the hybrid environment.
risk analysis and MFA verification
1 Statista; Average number of software as a service (SaaS) applications used by
organizations worldwide from 2015 to 2021.
2 Vectra; Global Survey Finds 71% of Cloud Users Suffered up to Seven Malicious
Account Takeovers in Last Year, 2021.
3 Internal Silverfort research.
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