Page 7 - Three Steps to Identity Zero Trust with Silverfort and Azure AD - Silverfort
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Step 2: Enforce Zero Trust policies
Azure Active Directory enables you to implement Zero
Trust access policies across all your SaaS and web
applications with Conditional Access and MFA.
Your web and SaaS applications Rather, a risk analysis and valida-
host critical business data and are tion process should take place for
thus intensively targeted by threat any resource access attempt prior
actors who seek to access them to allowing user access. Azure AD
with compromised credentials. This is natively built to deliver this type
is where the identity aspect of Zero of protection by enforcing risk-
Trust is most explicit – users can based authentication and user ver-
never be implicitly trusted even if ification using Conditional Access
they provide the right credentials. and Microsoft Authenticator.
SaaS account
takeover attacks
are mounting
As cloud migration gains
momentum, so does the
volume of SaaS oriented
attacks. One global
survey found that the
vast majority of orga-
nizations’ cloud users
were subject to account
takeover attacks. 2