Page 18 - T.A.M. ROLL-UPS E-BOOK
P. 18
CH 11 124 EXERCISE LEVEL 3 STEP STEP BY STEP STEP A full repetition would include: the the the initial position (keeping the the the the the legs parallel to to to the the the the the floor at at 90o with respect to to to to the the the the the torso) then a a a a a a a right-sided meat- hook and return to to to to to the the the the the starting position (legs parallel to to to to to the the the the floor at at 90o with respect to to to to to the the the the torso) then then a a a a a a a a a left-sided meathook and and return to to to to the the the the the starting position and and then then a a a a a a a a a pull-up (keeping the the the the the the legs parallel to to to the the the the the the floor at at 90o with respect to to to the the the the torso) finally finishing back at at at the the the the initial position Repeat START 1 45