Page 12 - 2ndQtr2022IPMA
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Black Vine Weevil Explained by Dr. Donald Lewis
he black vine weevil, Otiorhynchus
sulcatus, is one of my favorite
insects because it was the first
Tspecimen that I identified when
I started at Iowa State University. The
sample was waiting for me when I showed
up for my first day of work, March 21,
1977. I’m disappointed that I have seen
no more than a handful of them since. The
black vine weevil is not a common pest in
The black vine weevil (BVW) is
the much-larger cousin to the familiar
strawberry root weevil (SRW) https:// BVW article at Iowa State University Exten- sion and Outreach.
strawberry-root-weevil that appears as
an accidental invader inside homes nearly vine-weevil
every summer. BVW has an oblong oval
shape and elbowed antennae that extend
from the side of the short, broad beak.
BVW is about 1/2-inch long, slate gray to
blackish brown and the wing covers have
numerous small pits and patches of short
yellow hairs. SAVE THE DATE!
BVW adults feed on the foliage of over
100 different kinds of plants but prefer
yews (Taxus) and rhododendrons. The November 10-11. 2022
larvae feed on young, tender roots of their
host plants and may cause stunting or IPMA Fall Conference
death of infested plants. BVW is a nursery
pest in Ohio which is how I came to know
the species. FFA Enrichment Center
BVW adults occasionally wander into
homes. As with the other accidental Ankeny, IA
invaders, they cannot bite, sting, or carry
diseases, and are a harmless nuisance.
Sweep or vacuum up and discard, but
please let me know if you find any!
Page 12 IPMA Connection • 2nd Quarter, 2022