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information. Based on the levels of these chased by the Fratellis? They knew One-
chemicals encountered by undertaker Eyed Willie was dead by looking at him,
termites (lower levels of 3-octanol and not sniffing him. Termites would have used
3-octanone, and higher concentrations of chemical cues instead to know that he
fatty acids) older corpses were dealt with needed to be buried and not eaten.
in two ways: either burying or walling off. This is the kind of research that might
All “old” worker corpses were buried or be categorized in the “cool to know”
covered up with sand particles, feces, or category, but it could actually impact
other materials soon after discovery. on-the-ground pest control in the future.
Interestingly, soldier termites were By having a better understanding of
buried 50% and walled off about 50% how termites deal with their dead, the
of the time. When walled off, the entire cues they use, and the behaviors those
tunnel to the chamber in which the dead cues elicit, one could imagine how this
soldier termites were present was blocked knowledge could be used to enhance
off. This behavior seems to be adapted termite exposure to biological or chemical
for situations in which the colony is control products in the future.
breeched by invading ants/termites and This research was recently published in
large numbers of dead soldiers remain. the Annals of the Entomological Society of
Workers instinctively block off that entire America based on work performed by Jizhe
area because it’s perceived as unsafe, and Shi and his colleagues at the University of
the dead termites present there serve as Kentucky working in Joe Zhou’s lab. Jim
reminder of danger if the area is opened Fredericks, PhD, BCE
up in the future.
It is notable that workers produce Teach children about
greater amounts of 3-octanol and
3-octanone upon death and were dealt Kindness with Me &
with more quickly than soldiers. The
authors of the study hypothesized that this Smugg, the Bug
was because of the greater proportion of • Book for children ages 2-6
workers present in the colony compared to • Perfect gift for special pest
other castes. Due to sheer the numbers control customers
present, workers need to be cleaned up • Available through
So, what does this mean for termite • Call 636-394-4148 for info about bulk
control? At first glance, the practical orders
implications for our industry might not
seem obvious – because they aren’t. This
research does tell us that termites are
not using visual cues like we might to
determine the age of a corpse. Remember
when the gang from the Goonies found
One-Eyed-Willie on his ship while being
Page 14 IPMA Connection • 2nd Quarter, 2022