Page 13 - 2ndQtr2022IPMA
P. 13

Undertakers and Corpse Disposal

            In The Termite Colony

                 n North America, termites cause                 eating the dead, nitrogen-rich material
                 more than $5 million in damage each             from the corpses  is recycled back into
                 year. Eastern Subterranean termites             the colony.  Additionally, gut symbionts,
           Iare the most widely distributed and                  necessary for digesting cellulose may
            most common encountered termite pest                 also be recycled. Burying behavior, on the
            in North America. With colonies that can             other hand, ensures that the threat of
            grow to the size of 5 million individuals            entomopathogens and subsequent disease
            and assuming a death rate similar to                 is eliminated from the colony, which is
            comparable termite species, it is estimated          especially important for eusocial insects
            that as many as 70,000 termites could die            living inside the closed system.
            in colonies each day. Corpse removal, a                 When a termite dies is begins to emit
            duty performed by worker termites called             certain chemicals as it decomposes,
            “undertakers” is extremely important for             including airborne volatile compounds
            colony health. The longer a termite corpse           such as 3-octanol and 3-octanone are
            remains, the greater the chances for                 released.  This tells the workers that they
            disease spread. So, undertaker behavior              are dead and they need to be taken care
            (removal and disposal of dead termites),             of.  These chemicals do not persist for long
            performed by worker termites,  is                    and dissipate over time. Fatty acids are
            extremely important for colony health.               also produced, which are persistent. These
               Eastern Subterranean termites have                chemicals build up in the corpse over time.
            developed two distinct behaviors to                  The relative amounts of these chemicals in
            deal with dead nestmates: cannibalism                a termite corpse can provide information
            and burying the dead. Cannibalism or                 to undertakers to help determine what
            eating the dead,                                                         to do with the dead
            provides an                                                              termite. New corpses
            important service                                                      (c)Van Klaveren  were eaten if they were
            to the colony                                                            less than 64 hours
            by recycling                                                             old (higher levels of
            nutrients back                                                           3-octanol, 3-octanone)
            in the colony.                                                           lower levels of specific
            Wood, which                                                              fatty acids.
            is the primary                                                              As a part of a
            food for Eastern                                                         series of laboratory
            subterranean                                                             experiments Jizhe Shi
            termites is                                                              and his colleagues at the
            notoriously                                                              University of Kentucky
            lacking in                                                               learned the following
            nitrogen. By
                                                                                                 (Continued on Page 14)

            IPMA Connection • 2nd Quarter, 2022                                                             Page 13
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