Page 78 - The New Encyclopedia of Knots
P. 78
figure 49
Double chain plait: is formed by creating a series of figure-of-eight knots which are all interwoven.
Do this by making a figure of eight knot (see page 80), then continue by taking the working end (which
is the lower end in our illustration) to form a bight, the lower circle of a figure of eight, up through the
top circle of the first figure of eight to link it together, and continuing around the back to form another
bight. Bring the working end down across the crossover point of the eight and in through the second
bottom bight (figure 50). Repeat this sequence until you reach the desired length. The tension of the
plait can be adjusted to suit your purpose. Long mats can be formed in this way, or it is possible to
make a circular mat by tightening the lower bights and opening out the top.