Page 79 - The New Encyclopedia of Knots
P. 79

figure 50

  Double crown: working from an unlaid end of rope (see crown knot page 57) or from a number of
  strands (we have used four in our illustration), pass each strand around over its anticlockwise
  neighbour (you can also work clockwise) with the last strand passing down through the bight of the

  first strand to have been worked (figure 51.1). This can now be pulled tight, which will have the
  effect of making each strand point downwards. Now pull back any one strand and make a clockwise
  turn around the strand it originally passed over, and this will return the strand to its original position.

  Repeat this with the other strands, passing the last through the now-double bight of the first (figure

                                                        figure 51.1
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