Page 50 - Doug Werner Boxer's Start-Up
P. 50

Chapter Five

             Combinations Including Uppercuts
             Combining jabs, straight rights and left hooks with
             uppercuts is a dizzying feat, and absolutely devastating
             to an opponent because stuff is coming in from all direc-
             tions. It’s difficult to master the flow from one punch to
             the other and to execute them fully and properly.It’s dif-
             ficult enough to master the transitions from jab to
             straight right to hook ... heck it’s hard enough just to
             learn the hook.

             But practicing these flurries is a great coordination drill.
             A good six-punch drill includes a jab, a straight right, a
             left uppercut, a straight right, a left hook and finally a
             right uppercut.

                                              After learning the basic
                                              footwork and punches,
                                              you can begin to prac-
                                              tice one of the oldest
                                              and cheapest training
                                              methods there is: shad-
                                              owboxing.All you really
                                              need is you, but it’s a
                                              tremendous boost to
                                              box in front of a
                                              reflecting surface.

                                              Shadowboxing is a great
                                              way to study and per-
                                              fect your form and
             should never be underestimated. It’s the one time your
             eyes are focused on your reflection instead of on a

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