Page 52 - Doug Werner Boxer's Start-Up
P. 52

Chapter Five

             Boxer’s Rhythm
             Let’s really mix it up. Boxers never really stand com-
             pletely still.There should always be some sort of motion
             going on between steps and punches to keep you
             primed, pumped and ready for action.

             There’s the long rhythm, which is a kind of a mellow
             back-and-forth bouncing between the feet, and there’s
             the short rhythm,which is a more aggressive side-to-side
             thing that involves moving the head and shoulders.

             One of the all-time rivalries in boxing history showcased
             the two rhythm styles: Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazer.

             Short rhythm is a brisk side-to-side movement. Again, the feet
             remain planted and the head moves a head-width with each rock.
             Rhythm is suspended when a boxer steps or pivots.

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