Page 89 - Doug Werner Boxer's Start-Up
P. 89

Punch Mitts

                                                  Working her slips.
                                                  Note the eye contact.

               Successful slips
                 entail just the
            slightest movement
                  of the head.

           A tick below full-on sparring has your coach or partner
           wearing a punch mitt on his right hand and a sparring
           glove on his left.You must wear headgear and a mouth-
           piece. If you’re working on defending attacks to the
           body,strap on your groin protector,too.Your partner will
           throw jabs or hooks, which you must defend against
           with blocks, slips and ducks.You will try to score with
           jabs and rights on his punch mitt.

           I know this sounds grossly unfair (and it pretty much is)
           but again the idea here is to work on things.Your partner
           is throwing at 3/4 speed with zero intent. You are
           working on your complete game --- footwork, defense
           and offense. The idea is to avoid punches and at the
           same time to set up your own attacks. For example, as

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