Page 90 - Doug Werner Boxer's Start-Up
P. 90

Chapter Eight

             you block or slip a punch, think in terms of coming off
             that block or slip with a counter. Remember boxing is a
             constant flow between offensive and defensive action
             and this drill makes you very, very aware of that. The
             action doesn’t stop after one terrific punch or slip. It
             keeps roaring along and you gotta keep up.

             Getting Hit
             Although these drills are most definitely intended to be
             light offensive/defensive exercises, you’re gonna get hit.
             If your training takes you in this direction, this is when
             you’ll experience your first tap. It should be a light tap
             as the intent here is to learn, but a light tap to one man
             is a wrecking ball to another. And in the heat of the
             action (and it can get hot) things happen. That’s why
             you should train with an accredited coach. You are a
             beginner and need to know that your partner is not
             gonna go out of control.
             You also need a partner
             who can control you.

             Now,about taking your first
             punch. Everyone has a tol-
             erance level, and you’ll
             know right away where
             yours is. It’s not a guessing
             game. Some folks are OK
             with it and some aren’t.       Getting nailed is a shock and
                                            maddening at first. However,
             Personally, I think the light
                                            it is something you can learn
             stuff mentioned here is no
                                            to deal with. Just make sure
             worse than falling down        you’re using the proper gear!
             while skiing, snowboarding
             or in-line skating.I’ve hurt myself doing these things and
             dealt with it. Of course, boxing is boxing and there’s a

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