Page 66 - Robert W. Smith - Pa kua_ Chinese boxing for fitness & self-defense-North Atlantic Books (2003)
P. 66
right, your mouth relaxed ("a little opened, a little closed"), and
you breathe through your nose.
Hold your head level as though there were a weight on it. Walk
slowly. To progress you must sink your ch'i to the navel. In turn-
ing, the level of your body must remain the same, always well
balanced. Your shoulders likewise should remain on the same line.
There must be a unity of the mind-vital energy-strength as well as of
the body components, a unity both inside and outside the body
which forms a total feeling embracing all the different feelings.
This is done without dissipation of energy and in the end comes
without conscious intent.
I. SINGLE PALM CHANGE (TAN HUAN CHANG)* Gradually twist your hands until both palms face up and, as you
The main offensive action of Pa-kua is the Single Change. Indeed, do, your shoulders contract with strength. Keep your waist going
it is more than that—it is the basic action in the art. to the left as though twisting a rope. Your left elbow points down
Extend your left hand into the center and step ahead with your and, in turning, your right hand gradually passes under it. Hold
left foot (Fig. 313). Bring your right foot forward and toe-in near your head upright and keep it coordinated with your waist. Gaze
your left foot, about three to six inches separating the toes (Fig. at your right hand, which stretches as far as it can. Go slowly!
314). Your heels feel as though they are turning outward and your Keep a relaxed inside and this external action will not leave an
knees almost touch. Your inner thighs turn inward and your outer opening for an attack.
thighs contract toward your sacrum. Your waist sinks and your
upper torso remains steady. Your trapezius muscles contract.
Next, twist your left wrist downward until your thumb is down.
Simultaneously, step forward with your left foot until it is ver-
tically and directionally aligned with your left hand. Your right
palm continues to push forward forcefully (Fig. 315). Now take
your right foot forward and toe-in near your left. Your back is
now facing the center (Fig. 316). Again, your heels feel as if they
are twisting outward and your inner thighs contract with strength.
* Hereafter called simply Single Change.