Page 69 - Robert W. Smith - Pa kua_ Chinese boxing for fitness & self-defense-North Atlantic Books (2003)
P. 69
Again we will start with the Sun method and then move to the
later modifications. Start with your left hand extended and turn the
circle counterclockwise (Fig. 338). Toe-in your right foot near
your left (Fig. 339). You are but half-centered now. Now toe-out
your left foot (Kuo is stressing this by pointing in Fig. 340) as you
turn your left thumb down and extend your left arm. Keep your
waist going leftward coordinated with your left hand. Toe-in your
right foot beside your left foot with your back to the center (Fig.
341) and twist your hands until the palms face up. Your right fore-
arm turns under your left elbow. Again, toe-out your left foot and
toe-in near it with your right foot. Your body now faces the center
(Fig. 342). As you turn your left hand circularly downward to
your left side and your right hand above your head, take your left
foot off the ground and rise on your right foot (Fig. 343). Next,
step to the left with your left foot in a natural step to nearly form
that an enemy attacks you from the center with his left fist. You a horse-riding posture (ma pu) as your arms are brought above and
deflect from outside with your left hand as you toe-in your right outside your thighs with the palms down (Fig. 344). Although
foot near your left foot. Turning leftward, take your left foot for- your body is still centered, your head is twisted to the left and you
ward as you maintain pressure with your deflecting left palm. gaze at your left hand. Toe-in your right foot near your left foot
Finally, spear his left side with your right palm as your right foot again and twist both palms up, your right hand again twisting
goes forward to either toe-in (as in the Sun style) or to be held under your left elbow (Fig. 345). Your back is toward the center.
suspended at the left ankle (as in the modification). From here, the Now swing slowly rightward and begin to walk (Figs. 346-347).
swing back to the right can be to handle his right, if he is able to Your right hand gradually stretches into the center as both palms
use it, or simply to address another attacker. Wang's rising right twist until they face downward (Figs. 348-349).
foot on the swing back is used to deflect an opponent's leg attack. Now, the modifications. Practice Sun's basic style and only after
mastering it change to the modifications. With your left hand ex-
tended walk the circle (Fig. 350). Toe-in your right foot as your
left arm wipes downward past your right (Figs. 351-352). As you
* Hereafter called simply Double Change.
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