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• Level II in PRIME-HRM (Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human
Resources Management ) in 2016;
• Resolved land disputes with 32 out of 48 cases filed in court in favor of IFSU.
IFSU’s External Environment
The strategic plan of the University considers the following facts from its external environment:
International Commitments (i.e. Sustainable Development Goals or SDG) and ASEAN Membership
The SGDs which are set to be achieved by year 2030 as follows: (a) No poverty; (b) No
hunger; (c) Good health; (d) Quality education; (e ) Gender equality; (f) Clean water and
sanitation; (g) Affordable and clean energy; (h) Decent work and economic growth; (i) Industry,
innovation and infrastructure; (j) Reduced inequalities; (k) Sustainable cities and communities; (l)
Responsible consumption and production; (m) Climate action; (n) Life below water; (o) Life on
land; (p) Peace, justice, and strong institutions; and (q) Partnerships for the goals.
NEDA Regional Director Milagros Rimando highlighted SDG 4, Quality Education having
these indicators, although IFSU can contribute in attaining all the other SDGs:
• Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive, and
provide safe, nonviolent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all;
• By 2020, substantially expand globally the number of scholarships; and
• By 2030, substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers through international cooperation
for teaching training.
The Philippines, being a member of the ASEAN and thus is committed to impact the
three pillars of the organization: economic community, socio-cultural community, and political
community, the University has the duty for the following:
• Promote cultures locally and globally;
• Study particular programs in detail like the transnational education, mutual recognition
agreements that are applicable to a limited number of professions such as accounting and
nursing, quality assurance by CHED, PRC and other accrediting bodies, and the outcomes-based
education in HEI s;
• Create a diversified, dynamic and competitive agriculture sector; transfer technology and
open farmers’ access to knowledge and scientific research considering also an understanding of
issues and concerns of agriculture in the province and in the region to be able to come up with
practical and relevant quality researches that directly assist farmers.